Chapter Nine:

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Cheryl's POV


"Upstairs!" I shout when I hear Kimberley coming through the front door.

"Okay two secs" I hear her shout back before I hear delicate footsteps up the stairs. Kimberley had been to visit the flat she looked at the other day.

"I'm in the bathroom" I tell her as I hear her reach the top of the stairs. Kimberley opens the door and I stand up from kneeling near the bath. I pick up a towel and dry my hands before embracing Kimberley in a hug. "Hey babe, how are you?"

"Good thanks, how are you cheeky?" Kimberley looks over at Imogen in the bath.

"Hi Kimba, look at the bubbles!" Immie squeals, splashing her hands about.

"Wow! There's lots isn't there" Kimberley says with wide eyes, making Immie laugh.

"So how did it go?"

"I've got it! I can move in whenever" Kimberley grins.

"That's great!"

"I'm going down to London for a couple of days though, I need to bring some stuff up here. I'm just gonna get new furniture for the flat though. Help me look for some nice stuff?"

"Yeah course, online or do you want to go shopping?" I ask, kneeling down to wash Imogen's hair.

"We can go shopping? More fun" Kimberley says as she sits down next to me.

"Yeah okay, when do you want to go?" I ask and Kimberley looks at the time on the new looking gold and silver Rolex watch that sits neatly on her right wrist.

"How about in an hour?"

"Yeah okay" I smile as I finish washing Immie's hair. "Is that new? It's gorgeous" I say, indicating at the watch.

"Yeah, it arrived the other day"

"It's really nice" I reply as I pick Imogen up out of the bath. "Can you pass me her towel please? It's the yellow one over there"

"Sure" Kimberley reaches over and passes me the towel and I pull it over her head. It's one of those kiddy towels that go on like a huge, baggy dress and have sleeves and a hood with ears. I lift the hood up over her head and pick her up and hold her on my hip. "My little pooh bear" I say to her and kiss her nose.

"That's so cute" Kimberley says.

"I know right, me mam got it for her. Immie loves it" I say as Kimberley follows me out of the bathroom.

I wonder into Imogen's room and open up her wardrobe. Just then my phone rings. "Ugh" I sigh and ignore it, starting to rummage through her clothes, trying to pick a suitable outfit.

"Go answer it babe, I'll sort her"

"You sure?"

"Positive" she smiles and I pass Immie over to her and go down stairs.

I pick up my mobile off the kitchen table and answer it.

"Hello?...yeah not too come?....okay no worries...yep...just let us know what problem...bye"

I disconnect the call and go back upstairs to find a fully dressed Imogen sat on the bed between Kimberley's legs as she brushes her long brown hair. Kimberley has dressed her in a little white summery dress and sandals.

"You okay?" Kimberley asks as I walk in the room.

"Yeah, Immie's dad wants her this weekend instead of next as he is away next weekend when she's supposed to be there..last minute thing"

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