Chapter Eleven:

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I look between the both of them as they just stare at each other, both of them yet to say anything else.

" two know each other?" I ask, looking at Tre and then at Kimberley.

"How old is Imogen, Cheryl?"

"Huh? What's that got to do with anything?" I ask, confused to what she is getting at.

"How old is she? When is her birthday?"

"She's three? I thought you knew that? Her birthday is March 17th" I say, again looking between them both. Kimberley doesn't answer and Tre still hasn't yet said anything.

"Will you tell--"

"You cheating bastard! I knew it! I fucking knew it!" Kimberley exclaims, tears gushing from her eyes as she lunges at Tre. I quickly react to the situation, pulling her away from him.

"Kimba..Kim..calm down" I try to calm her, it's not working so far.

"How could you? I asked you on so many occasions, I gave you so many chances and you just lied to me!" Kimberley cried, directing her statement at Tre who still hadn't said anything at all.

"I'm calling me mam, she can come pick Immie up. I'm getting to the bottom of this and I'm not having Imogen here while it happens."

"No, Chez she can come back with me" Tre speaks up for the first time.

"No. She's going to me mams, I want to know what's going on." I say sternly as I pull out my phone from my pocket and phone me mam.

"Hi, mam, can you please come and pick Imogen up?...yeah I know...I'll explain as soon as I can...yeah okay...don't be long..bye" I put the phone down and slide it back into my pocket.

"She'll be here in ten." I explain. The the awkwardness and tension was high in the room. No one else said a word. Tre sat down on the arm chair with his head in his hands and Kimberley on the opposite arm chair, crying silently, looking away towards the wall to avoid any eye contact with anyone.

"Kimba, are you okay?" I ask, walking slowly towards her and she simply shakes her head to say no. I soothingly rub her back and move around to face her and wipe away her falling tears that just don't seem to be stopping.

Shortly after the door bell rings and I quickly jump up to answer it, Garry is behind the door and I let him in.

"Immie's upstairs, can you go and fetch her and take her back to me mams or yours please?"

"Yeah sure..what's happened?"

"I'll tell you later" I say as he walks up the stairs to fetch Imogen. I go to the kitchen to pick up her overnight bag and meet Garry back at the bottom of the stairs. "You're going to go to Uncle Garry's house tonight okay?" I say to her and she just nods. I kiss her on the head and pass Garry her bag and they make their way out of the door, Garry carefully carrying her. I shut the door behind them and go into the front room. Nothing has changed. Tre still has his head in his hands and Kimberley is still crying.

"Do any of you want to explain what's going on and why my daughter is being roped into it?" I ask calmly, sitting down on the settee.


"Any one?" I ask, looking at Tre and then at Kimberley, urging one of them to speak.

"Three years ago, Tre and I were together, in a relationship." Kimberley begins to explain.

"Three years ago, I was in a relationship with Tre.." I say.

"Exactly. He cheated on me with you"

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