Chapter Twenty Eight:

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Kimberley's POV

"So where do we go from here?" I ask Cheryl.

"Well..will you come back up to Newcastle with us?"

"I've rented out my flat already..the tenant is due to move in in three days"

"Come live with us"

"I don't know.."

"Come on, I mean, you were practically at mine most the time anyways, Immie knows you and loves you to bits, she'll be over the moon if you come back..please?"

"It's not that I don't want to but it's not long until I start working again and I need to be London based for that" I trailed off.

"Well we can cross that bridge when we come to it, please come back with us?"


"Really?" She asks, slightly shocked.

"Yes, really"


"It's a bit late now plus I need to get my stuff sorted, so tomorrow? You can stay here and we'll leave tomorrow, yeah?"

"Okay" she grinned and placed a delicate kiss on my lips. "I'm so glad I've got you"

"I'm glad I've got you too babe" I say, pecking her on the lips. "Shall we order a take away?"

"Can do. I'm just gonna phone Sarah. She'll have a field day when she finds out" she chuckles and I nod, giving her some privacy whilst I phone the Chinese.

I'm absolutely one hundred percent over the moon. I am so glad Cheryl actually has feelings for me too. I was shocked to say the least when she turned up at my door but happy non the less. She looked tired, worn out and poorly if I'm honest, but I'm not surprised with what Sarah had told me. I'm going to help her get back on track. I'm sure Imogen has been missing her too.

Cheryl's POV

"Hi Saz"

"Oi you cheeky little shit, why didn't you tell me where you were off to? I'd of taken you myself! You were in no fit stare to drive"

"I know I know" I sigh and giggle as she lectures me.


"So what?" I smirk although she can't see me.

"You know what!"

"Do I?"

"Yes you do!"

"Do I Sarah? Do I really?"


"Sarah" I giggle, enjoying winding her up.

"So are you and Kimbers okay then or what? I want the details"

"Well..we sorted it and we're together and we're coming home tomorrow and that's it!"

"Ahhh I'm so happy for you babe!"

"Thank you!"

"Put Kimbers on, I want a word with her"

"Okay" I laugh. "Kimba?" I shout into the kitchen and she appears at the door.


"Saz wants to speak to you" I say holding the phone out at her.

"Hello? Yeah...I will..I promise..I know, I know..I will do..yeah..she's sat here grinning like a Cheshire cat..thank you..we've just ordered a takeaway and then we're going to not like that..Sarah!'re so embarrassing..shush..okay okay..yep bye, I will..okay bye bye"

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