Chapter Thirty:

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Kimberley's POV

"Yes..I know.. I'm trying to sort it Hillary..I know..yeah...but I can't just drop everything..this isn't my fault!..okay..give me a week, I'll get it sorted..I'm not happy..I had an extra three weeks!..yes Hillary..yes Hillary..bye Hillary"

"Argh!" I groaned as I threw my phone on to the sofa.

"What's up babe?" Cheryl asked, walking into the living room and sitting down on my lap.

"Darling Hillary has just informed me that I'm due back at work this week! I had an extra two weeks off yet she's booked me studio time, interviews, TV appearances, the whole bloody shabang. I'm not at all happy."

"Does this mean you're going to have to go back to London?" Cheryl pouted.

"Yeah..I mean I could always drive down every morning and come back here after work?" I suggested.

"Don't be daft. You're going to be knackered. You'll have to get up at some ungodly hour and you'll be arriving home ridiculously late, just to go back again in the space of a few hours"

"I suppose you're right. I have a week to sort everything out. I'm so pissed off. This was supposed to be my time. She didn't even consult me first, she organised it all and then decided to tell me."

"When's your studio time booked for?"

"Next Monday"

"What are we going to do Kimba? Long distance relationships never work" Cheryl whispered.

I took a deep breath before speaking up. I didn't think Cheryl would agree to this as it's all rash and very sudden but I'll say it anyway. "How about you move in with me?" I paused. "In London..with Immie?"

"I..erm..I..but I have a job here? And what about me mam and Sarah and Immie's dad?"

"I know, you're right. It was a stupid idea"

"No, Kimba..I didn't say no! I was thinking about what we would do..I don't know..any suggestions?"

"Well Immie could come with us obviously, see her dad on weekends and we could just drive up to your mam's and Sarah's whenever..they're always welcome to mine any time, we can find you a job in London!"

"You've got it all planned haven't you?"

"Kinda..but I suppose it was going to happen eventually. It's just happening three weeks earlier than expected, I guess."

"Yeah, you're right. I'll speak to Immie, me mam and Sarah and then we can get things sorted" Cheryl says, pecking me on the lips.

"Are you sure? I'm sorry it's so rushed and sudden"

"Yeah, of course."

* * *

Cheryl's POV

"Immie? Come here a minute" I call her over to where me and Kimberley are sat on the sofa, she drops her toy in the pile of others and abandons them, wondering over to us. She holds her arms out to Kimberley for her to lift her up and Kimberley does so and places it on her lap. I had already broken to news to me mam and Sarah, they were both fine with it. Sarah said that she'd be travelling to London a lot for gigs anyway, she'd just signed a contract to work with Will. I couldn't be more proud of her.

"How would you feel about going to live with Kimba, in London?"

"Where's London?"

"A few hours away from here"

"With Kimba? Kimba come too?"

"Yes angel" Kimberley says, moving a lock of hair out of Imogen's face.

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