Chapter Twenty Two:

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Kimberley's POV

I look over to my right at Tom..Sam..Jack whatever his name is Jack I think. I can't remember. He's sleeping soundly. The room is dark and gloomy, I sit up pulling the sheet up with me to cover my modesty and look around his room is small and basic, it's messy and dull. Why did I do this, I think to myself. Why? This isn't me. I don't do this. A single tear makes it's way down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away and get up carefully out of the double bed in hope not to wake whatever his name is. I find my clothes and quickly gather them up, throwing them on, grabbing my bag and phone and dashing out of the room. I make my way on to the cold, dark, wet street. I look around, not really sure where I am. The street is being illuminated by the bright orange street lights, a couple of them flicker and some are dull not as bright as the others. I figure my best bet is to go back the way I came and go back to the club. I begin to sob, I'm cold, it's dark and it's starting to rain and I'm not entirely sure where I am. I've just slept with a man I don't know, I can't even remember his name, I can't even remember properly what he looks like. I'm sobering up now as I walk quickly down the street.

I find myself out side Cheryl's door. I'm debating whether to knock. I look at the time it's 3am. I hover outside the door for a minute or two trying to debate whether to knock or not but I really need someone right now before I have chance to think any more about it, I've rang the door bell twice and knocked.

Cheryl's POV

I'm woken by the door bell ringing around the house. Who the hell is ringing the door bell at this time. I climb out of bed half asleep, I pick up my phone checking the time, the brightness of the screen causing my eyes to burn and squint. I sigh at the time 3:03am. I grab my keys off the side and my make my downstairs.

"Kimberley?" I say as I open the door to a soaking wet, sobbing Kimberley on my door step. "Come in babe" I tell her and pull her in, shutting the door behind her. She looks lost and fragile. I take her straight up stairs to my room and find her some dry clothes.

"What's happened babe?" I ask as I pass her the clothes and a fluffy towel. She takes them and just looks at them. "Come here babe"

I put the clothes down on the bed and take her top off and trousers, she's crying silently and shivering. I wrap the fluffy white towel around her and dry her damp skin. I pull the oversized top over her head and lead her to the bed and grab my hairdryer and dry her wet hair.

"You feeling okay now?"

"A little, I'm sorry f-for just t-turning up-p here" she sobs.

"Hey, shh, don't worry about it" I pull her down beside me on the bed and cuddle her. "What's happened?" I ask her as more tears escape her eyes.

"I..I didn't m-mean to I didn't want t-to" she stutters.

"Shhh, it's okay, get some sleep. We'll talk in the morning okay?" I tell her and she nods her head. "Night babe"

I cuddle her tight until her sobs subside and she falls asleep in my arms.

* * *

"Kimba!" Imogen cheers as she notices Kimberley lay next to me in bed as she wonders in my room.

"Hey angel" Kimberley smiles to her.

"You okay babe?" I ask Imogen as she sits down next between us.


"Are you gonna go get dressed like a big girl?"

"Can I choose my outfit?"

"Course you can, go on" I urge her.

Once she's gone, I turn to Kimberley. I took a loose stand of hair behind her ear. "What happened last night babe?" I ask softly.

"When I left yours I went to a club and got absolutely wasted and I met this guy and long story short we got drunk I ended up sleeping with him and then I ended up here" Kimberley explains, a few tears making their way down her cheeks. I wipe them away with my thumb and stroke her hair.

"It's okay babe"

"It's not. I can't believe I did that. It's not me. I've never done anything like that before"

"Did..did you use protection?"

"I think so" she sobs.

"I'm gonna go get you some paracetamols, I get you've got a raging headache"

"Yeah, thank you Cheryl"

"Don't worry about it" I smile and climb out of bed and made my way into the kitchen, grabbing two paracetamols and a morning after pill. I fill a glass of up water and take it upstairs.

"Here, two paracetamols and I've got a morning after pill if you want it"

"Thanks" Kimberley says as she takes all three pills and downs them. "Can I use your shower please?"

"Course you can"


Sorry it's only a short update, I haven't had much time! Hopefully I'll update again within the next couple of days.

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