Chapter Eighteen:

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Cheryl's POV

"Thanks for dropping her off, Tre" I say as I take Imogen from his arms after the weekend she has spent with him.

"My pleasure"

"How's she been?"

"Perfect, no tantrums, nothing.."

"Glad to hear it, see you soon" I say to him as I place Imogen on the floor. "Say bye to daddy" I tell her and she walks over to him, Tre lowers him self to her level, giving her a kiss on the head and a hug before standing up straight again.

"I'll see you soon Imo" he chuckles as she wonders off into the living room.

"See ya, Tre" I smile and shut the door as he walks off. I follow closely behind Imogen into the living room.

"Where's Kimba?" Immie asks, looking around the room.

"She's at home babe"


"Because she lives there" I tell her

"Can we see her?"

"Maybe some other time" I tell her as I wonder in to the kitchen. Kimberley and I haven't spoken since that argument so it's probably best not to turn up at her house with a temperamental toddler.

"I want to see her now!" Imogen whines from the other room.

"Well she's not here" I tell her.

"I want Kimba! It's not fair" she begins to cry.

"Well you've got me so it's tough" I say, passing her the juice bottle I just filled up for her.

"No" she scowls, pushing it away from me and folding her arms. "I want Kimba" she begins to cry hysterically. I can see myself giving in to her here. She's been home less than five minutes and she's already having a tantrum. I run my hands through my hair and sigh.

"No Imogen"

"Please mummy"

I sigh and give into her. "Do you want to ring her?" I suggest


"Okay, we'll go and see her then. Go and get your coat" I finally give in to taking her round to see Kimberley. I have no idea how this is going to end but I can't be doing with a night of Imogen's tantruming.

"Ready mummy" she beams at me. I sigh, putting my phone in my pocket and pick her up along with my car keys. I carry her through the front door, locking it behind me and taking her to the car and strapping her into the her colourful car seat.

The journey to Kimberley's flat is only a short one but I feel myself getting more and more anxious the closer we get, Imogen is happy as Larry sat in the back gazing out of the window because she's yet again, managed to get her own way. I pull up outside Kimberley's and sigh to myself as I climb out of my car. I have no idea how this is going to end. I just hope it can be sorted and we can move friends.

"Let's go" I say to Imogen as I lift her out of her car seat and lock the car. I carry her up to the door. "Do you want to press the bell?" I ask her and she nods. She presses it once and I hear muffled sound coming from behind it. Anxiety is pumping round me, my stomach is filled with butterflies and I can feel my heartbeat beginning to pick up the tempo. What if she just rejects me completely? I don't have time to think of an answer to my own question as the door is pulled open revealing a casually dressed Kimberley behind it.

"Hey" she says.

"Hey, Imogen wanted to see you"

"Kimbaaaaa!" Imogen cheers, holding her arms out towards her in hope that she would pick her up. Kimberley looks at me as if to ask permission and I just move Imogen closer to her for her to take hold of her.

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