Chapter Thirteen:

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First of all, thank you for all the lovely comments on my last chapter! They're much appreciated and I love reading them. They make me want to update more often. Enjoy!


Kimberley's POV

I woke up the next morning, alone. Everything from last night suddenly came rushing back, filling my head.


I sit up and look over the empty space where Cheryl lay last night. I move my arm over and it space was still warm. She mustn't of long gotten up. I drop my body back on to the bed and lay there for a moment. We're going to have to talk about this but I don't even know how to bring it up. How do you even bring that sort of thing up? Sleeping with your best friend. Drunk or not. I don't regret it. I know that, I definitely do not regret it but I bet Cheryl will. That's why she got up and she's gone. She probably regrets it. I'll just blame the alcohol and our drunken states. I'll say it was a mistake even though it wasn't, on my behalf anyway..

I climb out of bed and grab mg dressing gown and wrap it around my body coving up my modesty. I sigh and walk down stairs in hope that Cheryl is just downstairs and I haven't scared her off completely.

No Cheryl.


No answer.


Still no answer.

Great. Well done Kimberley.

I'm blaming myself but Cheryl kissed me first. Maybe she wanted it just as much as I did, well of course she did. She would of stopped other wise. She initiated it and I just followed her lead. She's probably regretting that now.

I make my way over to the countertop and find a cup pre filled with a tea bag and what looks like two sugars and water already in the kettle. Underneath the cup is a small piece of paper. I lift the cup and pull the paper from beneath it.

Cheryl had carefully scribbled a quick note on the scrap paper.

'Kimba, I had to go and pick up Immie and do some shopping. I didn't want to wake you, made you a cuppa, well half of it anyway;) I won't be long. I might be back before you even wake up but nevermind. Love, Chez x'

I read the note as I flicked the kettle on, I smiled at her cuteness and her huge messy writing that was scrawled across the slightly crumpled paper. I folded it in half and placed it in my pocket and poured the hot water in to the cup and added some milk before taking it upstairs to get dressed.

* * *

"Hey Angel, how are you?" I say to Immie as she comes bounding through the door.

"Kimba! I missed you"

"I missed you too, where's your mummy?" I asked her, noticing Cheryl hadn't followed her in.

"Bringing the shopping in" Immie says nonchalantly and walks past me and into the living room. I take it upon myself to go and help Cheryl and make my way down the drive to her car.

"Need a hand?" I ask.

"Please" Cheryl replies as she lifts some heavy bags from the boot and passes them to me. I quickly take hold of them and carry them back into the house. I walk past Immie who is now oblivious to the world watching TV and straight into the kitchen placing the heavy bags on the floor.

I hear Cheryl walking through with more shopping bags and she places them next to the ones already in the kitchen and begins putting things away in the correct cupboards.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Good, you?"

"Yeah I'm okay" I smile, helping her put things away. She hasn't yet brought up the events of last night, she's acting as if nothing has happened. Maybe I should bring it up..I guess it's best to talk about it.

"Chez..about last--"

"Can you pass me that bag please" she cuts me off.

"Sure" I pass her the bag and continue speaking "about--"

"Could you put that in the fridge please" she cuts me off again and hands me the milk. I take it off her and place it in the fridge.

"So about last--"

"I need to go check on Imogen" she cute me off yet again, she obviously doesn't want to talk about it. Maybe it's too soon and the subject is too raw at the moment. Maybe I should bring it up in a couple of days or wait for her to bring it up..

* * *

I'm back in my flat, still making changes, moving things around and decorating by putting photo frames and pictures up. I decided to go shopping and fill the cupboards so I had put all that away. It was beginning to look more homely now, I had been adding stuff to it over the week to make it more my own, cosy and homely rather than empty, boring and echoey. I'd just sat down when I thought of the picture Imogen had drawn me last week, I went upstairs and rummaged through my bag for it and wondered back down stairs with the picture in hand. I stuck it to the fridge by putting a small magnet in each corner and stepped back to admire mine, well Imogen's handiwork. All I did was put it up. She had drawn a picture of me, herself, Cheryl and Sarah all in a line stood on grass with a large tree on the left and a bright yellow sun in the corner of the page, each of us were labelled by our names on our t-shirts we wearing in the picture we were labeled as "me" "mummy" "Kimba" and "Auntie Saz" - I recognised Cheryl's handwriting, she must of helped Immie write it. I smiled at the picture and wondered back into the front room and flicked on the TV. Thoughts of Cheryl soon filled my mind. I was worried, what if she didn't want to be my friend anymore? Well surely if she didn't want to be my friend she would have said or asked me to leave her house when she saw me? But she hadn't. She spoke to me like any other time she would have, like nothing had happened and nothing had changed. I was confused and this internal battle was giving me a headache.


It's a bit short I know but I'm hoping to update very soon!

Let me know what you think.


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