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"Chim?" You asked, clearing the dead silence that has been going on between you two since you got home from the cemetery.

His head was on your lap while he was going through his phone, replying to comments and posting the most random things on his spam account.

Yes, the famous Park Jimin, has a secret spam account.

It's not like anything bad between you happened, there was just.. a different atmosphere today.

Your hand kept playing with his hair and he enjoyed it, it was calm, relaxing. He could fall asleep any moment right now.

Jimin hummed In response to you calling his nickname out. You stared at the blank TV screen whilst asking this question, "Did you ever have someone you loved so much?"

His scrolling through funny pages stopped once you asked that question. His mouth opened but then closed once you spoke up again.

"You loved them so much even though you found out something terrible about them? You disregarded all those bad things they kept doing and saying and just focused on the good they were acting on?" Your hand moved away from his hair once he got up. 

He stretched his arms up before turning to look at you. "I think, maybe a long time ago? I'm not sure. But why are you asking?" He put his arms down, waiting for your response.

"Just, something that I've been keeping in for a long time. Wanted to know if someone related to me, ya know." You turned to him. Something was off about him once you asked that question.

Usually, you wouldn't be able to tell his facial expressions or what he was thinking—only when he was laughing and making jokes you could predict—because he's good at it.

But something is off right now. He's trying to hide his expression and his thoughts, you can see right through him.

Just as you were about to ask another thing, his phone rang. He looked down and clicked the button without even looking at it, like he was expecting the call.

"I'll be right back jagi." He flashed you a smile before leaving in the dark hallway, his voice slowly fainting with his figure.

Once he left, you got up and went to a room. Mijin's room. You tip toed and reached the top boarder of the door, your hands roaming around the dusty little space.

Soon, your fingers touched a cold metal surface. It was a key to the room. You grabbed it and went back down to unlock the door.

It clicked and you grabbed the door knob, hesitantly turning it.

The air in that room seemed to be cold, trapped. It's been a year since anyone's ever stepped into this room.

It looks the same. The bed is in the same place and made like she left it. The shelves are still in the same place, the books organized by color, some dust on it still. Her laptop is still there, sitting and waiting to be opened by its owner, except the owner is never going to come open it again.

But somehow, it felt empty. Even though the room had everything there in its place, it just was lonely. The room had no energy in it since she was gone.

Your feet slowly made its way to her nightstand. You pulled it open. A smile was soon plastered on your face as you saw her little notes and pictures she had with people.

The photo albums she kept. There was some gum wrappers in there with notes that you, her friends, and herself wrote.

You closed that drawer and went to the second one, opening it up. There was papers scattered everywhere.

Mijin was very organized. If she had papers scattered everywhere or just clothes, she was trying to hide something.

You dug through the enormous pile of papers until your hands hit something rectangular. A book. To be more specific, her journal.

Grabbing the journal and shutting the drawer, you opened it up, scanning through some pages. Smiling here and there because most of these memories were of her and you.

The next page you turned was when your smile dropped. Your heart dropped to your stomach. Your emotions became mixed as you read the first 5 sentences.

"He's back. This isn't good. Im finally happy but he somehow managed to return into my life once again. This man, he tortured me, he made me depressed and suicidal, I wanted to end it for so long, but then I met the love of my life. The man, his name is. . ."

"Who's room is this?" Fuck, Jimin came.

You close the journal and hid it behind your back.

"A-Ah, Jimin! Don't sneak up on me like that." You chuckles nervously before walking towards him. He saw you were hiding something behind your back so he leaned to the side to get a better glance at it.

You quickly turned him around and shoved him out of the room. "It's my childhood bedroom! There's embarrassing photos and memories and old clothes. I don't want you to go In there." He just laughed.

"But I wanna see what my baby wore and did back then!" You shook your head furiously and stopped shoving him. Then, you closed the door and locked it, pitting the key in your pocket.

"Let's just go get some Ramen!" You insisted and he agreed.

Making your way to your room because you needed to "change" you put the book in your closet and then came out, ready to leave the house with him.

Once you dumped the book in your closet, it was opened to the page you left on.

"The man, his name is Kim Namjoon."


If you guys are confused as to why it's Namjoon, it's cause Namjoon owes Jimin and so he had to mess up Mijin.

Also long chapter sorry-

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