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"Opening cell to Prisoner #016328."

The metallic bars opened on cue. The dust of pleads and despair hit the engaged couples faces. Guards armed by the opened cell on both sides nodded for the two to step in.

Hand in hand, the male lead first as the female walked near behind. Jimin stared at the other side of the cold distant visiting room. One grey table was placed in the very middle with one chair on the other side of the visiting room, and two on their side.

Taking a sharp breath, you exhaled as the other guards brought a man out in a orange jumpsuit. Messy hair, one cut eyebrow, beard growing, and body built, you both are welcomed with none other than, Kim Namjoon.

"You have 10 minutes." A female guard said before they left back to their side, watching the prisoner and as well as you and Jimin.

For a solid minute, it stayed quiet. The only thing the three of you have been doing was staring at each other, taking in the changes. Well, mostly Jimin. You've seen Namjoon before but he's changed for the month you've been gone.

"Please, take a seat." Jimin said, ushering to the seat there. Namjoon slowly pulled the chair back with his cuffed hands. He sat down, as did you two.

Jimin bit his lip as he stared at his former friend. He's been in this prison for quite some time now and his appearance changed, a lot. Namjoon wasn't that skinny anymore, he was buff now. His hair color went down to his natural one. A beard was growing on his face and that made him look more masculine.

Namjoon noticed that nothing changed between the two. Except for the fact that jimin's hair was pink now and that You had a ring on your finger.

You nudged Jimin, urging him to talk before the time was up. Jimin has been like this ever since you two stepped into the car. He's been overthinking of what he should say and how he should act. He said he'd act all tough and not break down crying or stay frozen, but that's what he's doing now. The tough act was never there. In fact, with Namjoon it would never be there.

There was always this shield Jimin tried to put up whenever Namjoon was around him, but it would always break with a mere breath he would draw. And it annoyed him that this man could see and break through him just like that. But at times, it brought comfort whenever he wasn't feeling himself.

Tears brimmed his eyes as he stared at the man who was once his best friend. By looking at Namjoon, he could see just what he's been going through in this prison. And Jimin knew that he didn't deserve all the times he got jumped by fellow prison mates or beaten up by angry guards for no reason. Namjoon had a shield too, but it broke when his best friend left him for you.

It pains to say, but Jimin knows deep down that Namjoon was like a brother and helped him no matter what. And for Namjoon, Jimin was a figure he never had in life. Namjoon needed Jimin in order to stay sane. That's why when he left him for you, Namjoon lost it. The man who had to keep him sane and pulled him back in left for a girl who he wanted to destroy.

You saw all this through their eye contact and decided that it would be best to leave. So you did. Kissing Jimin on the head, you stood up and left, telling the guards to give them a couple more minutes.

"Joonie.." Jimin called out softly and that was all it took for Namjoon to come rushing into Jimin's arms. Sobs came out of the older male as he embraced the shorter male.

"I'm so sorry." Namjoon said. Jimin hugged him like no tomorrow. Telling him that he's sorry and that he should've been here in his spot instead.

Words stopped and all that was leaving was their tears and hatred.

When Namjoon entered this prison, he wanted to get revenge. But after Y/N confronted him, he wanted to change. He's been trying ever since.

The two best friends united together once more. The let go of each other and laughed at how handsome they got. And it wasn't because they worked out and such. It was because both of them bathed in forgiveness every night, cleansing their souls and expressing in a new, positive way.

Time ran out for the two former friends. Yes, former friends. Former friends Because the moment they laid eyes on each other again, they became brothers. Sworn to protect and be there for one another, no matter the obstacle.

The guards slowly came in, approaching Namjoon. They grabbed him by the arms softly and told him to leave.

As they did, Namjoon smiled at his brother and walked away.

"I'll see you in a week, hyung! My wedding is at that time!" A week.

A week and Namjoon would be free, all thanks to Jimin. His head turned to the side and his body stopped, but the guards kept pushing him to move. Namjoon's eyes were wide with tears but a genuine smile popped up and he nodded, understanding what he meant.

"A week it is then, Jimin. I'll see you then." And then he was gone again. Happiness and joy melted that cold heart of his and brought a better self of him. A new version that would be there until death.

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