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Clutz114 is online

Min_Yoongi is online

EatJin is online

GoldenJeon is online




Min_Yoongi: Wait Wait , so you're saying YOU murdered Y/N's sister along with Jimin?

Min_Yoongi: I don't believe it.

GoldenJeon: Yeah, tae would've told me about his past.

EatJin: you guys didn't even let Y/N's sister have food?? Lmao , nobody isn't that cruel to just not give someone food.

EatJin: I don't believe it either.

Clutz114: I have proof.

Clutz114: look, Jimin.. he made me do it.

Clutz114: he threatened my family if I didn't do it.. and now

Clutz114: I want revenge, so help me just.. take him away from Y/N.

Min_Yoongi: Show me the fucking proof.

EatJin: I'm out, this is dumb. Jimin is NOT like this.

GoldenJeon: I fucked the guy, he is definitely not like this.


GoldenJeon: no Hyung, I was saying it so he would just - nvm.

Min_Yoongi: where's the proof, I don't see it?

Min_Yoongi: all I see and smell is your bullshit, Namjoon.

Min_Yoongi: I need my cologne to spray all of your bullshit away, it's contaminating my air, smells worse than Tae farting.


GoldenJeon: LMFAO

Clutz114 is typing. . .

Clutz114 stopped typing. . .

Clutz114 has left the chat !

GoldenJeon: pussy ass bitch


GoldenJeon: Sorry..

GoldenJeon: where'd Yoongi Hyung go?

EatJin: probably fell asleep or suffocated from Namjoon's bullshit.

GoldenJeon: lmfao.


Oops, next chapter you'll scream or cry your heart out.

Sorry :((

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