chapter 3

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Mira POV

Me,jellal ,gray,zeref, Luke and lucy was saying goodbye to the dragon, aunt Layla, and uncle zeref. "Goodbye everyone "we said in unison "bye" they replied back. "OPEN THE GATE TO FAIRY TAIL" lucy yell we walk though the portal we was in front of fairy tail door. I kicked the open "where's your master at" zeref ask "who are you' natsu said in a cold tone. "What do you want "erza said in a cold tone too. "Lu I think gramps is in his office" i mind link to lucy. "OK" lucy said back,we walk up to the second floor and knock on the door. "Come in" gramps said I open the door "we want to battle your strongest team" i said. "who are you"gramps ask "did you forget us grandpa" lucy acting hurt. Gramps open his eyes  wide. "L-lucy is that you"gramps cry out "yes its me"lucy said "now let's go gramps and don't said my real name OK" lucy said. "Call me lucifer "lucy said "OK" lucy gramps replied. We walk out his office he stand on the rail and yell "LISTENING UP BRATS WE HAVE A PERSON WHO WANT TO FIGHT TEAM NATSU BUT DO IT OUT OF THE FIELD NOT IN THE GUILD" gramps yell. "I'm all fired up now" natsu said.

Third person POV

They all place there bet on team natsu but master and her mate ,brothers, and cousin bet on Lucy. "Let's get this over with" Lucy said. "NATSU AND LUCIFER ARE YOU READY" gramps yelled. "Ready "lucy and natsu yell in unison. "GO" master yells,"FIRE DRAGON ROAR" natsu spell. lucy ate the attack the whole guild was surprise "h-how" natsu said in a scared voice. "let me show u a real roar looks like" lucy smirk. "CELESTIAL DRAGON ROOOOOOOAAAAARRRR" lucy spell then the all team pass out. The guild was shocked by lucy team, lucy team was smirking. lucy walk to team natsu and heal them. "who are you" they ask, "why should i tell you" lucy said "why do you smell like luce" natsu say angry. "flame brain don't dare u yell at my sister "gray and zeref, luke say in unison, "he can yell at anybody he want" lisanna say. "shut the fuck lisanan" say mira in a anger voice. "How do u know my name lisanna" say in fear voice "don't worried about that "Lucy said. "OPEN THE OF GRANDLY ". Lucy chanted,"Wendy can you come over plz" Lucy ask. "Coming lucy-nee" Wendy say. "WENDY .......GRANDLY " wendy and grandly said unison they run to each other and hug (sorry if I spell grandly name wrong tell me in the comments if I spell it right or wrong) "thank you lucy-nee" Wendy say "your welcome" Lucy replied. "Come on guys let's go" Luke say "OK" they repiled unison. "BYE GRANDPA" they yell in unison, "BYE "gramps replied.

Third POV
When they left the guild they went to find a house to stay in. Later that day they find a mansion for them. This what it look like

"Wow this house is amazing" Mira say,"yea" Luke agree

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"Wow this house is amazing" Mira say,"yea" Luke agree."Alright let's go check out the house" zeref said," hai" they say in unison.

"Alright let's go check out the house" zeref said," hai" they say in unison

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