chapter 12

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Next day

Author POV

Lucy woke up feeling sick, she ran towards the bathroom and throw up, jellal woke up because he didn't feel lucy in bed. Jellal was about go to the bathroom, but lucy slam the door in his face. Lucy took out a pregnancy test and it had two lines means she going have a baby, lucy was going to cry that she was happy that going have a baby. But she didn't know how to tell jellal this, "lucy are you okay" jellal said banging on the door, "I'm-i'm fine "lucy Sutter out.


I walk out the bathroom and text gray,mira,luke and Nikki.

Group chat

Gray- sup lu what's wrong

Luke- what do you want I was in a game😑😑

Mira- are you ok lucy???😢😢

Nikki- do you need something lulu

Lucy- ummm I need to tell you something........😔😔😔

Gray,Nikki, luke,and mira- what????

Lucy- I'm pregnant with jellal baby and I'm scare he won't love anymore and leave me too😭😭😭

Nikki and mira- omg!! Lucy you going be a mother

Gray and Luke- lucy, you and jellal been together for a long time. He not going to stop loving you, have you tell him yet??

Lucy- no that's why text y'all first I'm just scare and can all tell zeref to so he won't feel left out too😟😟😟.

Mira- sure I'll tell him and aunty too 😏😏

Lucy- what no!!! ....know what nvm tell her and dad too, and bye guys😒😒

Gray,mira,Nikki, and luke-bye

Group chat end

I put my phone away and change clothes into some yoga pants and a sport bra, "umm jellal ca-can you come here please" I Sutter a bit. "Ok I'm coming" jellal yell out, jellal walk in without a shirt on like always. "So umm I want to tell you that I'm pre-pregnant with your baby" I said while crying, all of suddenly jellal pick me up and spin me around and kiss me, of surprise me. "Lucy why are you crying for" jellal said and putting me on his lap facing him, "i-i thought you going to leave me" I said bursting into tears, "lucy I will never do that to you I always love you no matter what "jellal said kissing my stomach, I laugh a
Little while wiping my tears away.

"I love you too jellal" I said and kissing him,"oh today is the games" I said while getting ready, "yea and you sure you going be ok "jellal ask in concerns voice. "I need to ask wendy for something "I said, "wendy in fairy tail" Jellal said while leading against the wall. Yup she was like a little sister to me I never had before and was my friend too" I said, "well let's go visit her and your other friends too" jellal said picking me up and walking to the door, I was blushing so hard. Jellal put me down and face to team asshole again, "what do you want team asshole" I said putting hand on my hip. "Come on Luce don't be like that" natsu said, I see erza was looking at jellal and jellal was looking at my chest." Damn I forgot I was still wear my sport bra and yoga pants" I thought, "where's wendy" I ask lisanna, "I don't know why do you care" lisanna told me, "what the fuck she doing" I thought to myself, I see lisanna is trying to make her breast pop out more towards natsu.

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