chapter 13

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(This song is about lucy and wendy getting stronger,never give up k and I hope you like it and on with the story 👇👇)

Wendy (POV)

"OH...MY...GOSH....lucy~nee is p-preangent with twins" I said to myself," wendy we need to get ready for the games ok" lucy~nee said," ok" I agreed. I help lucy~nee up and open door for her, "lucy~nee what happen to the babies when you fight" I panic, "I will put a shield over the babies ok" lucy~nee told me calming me down. "Ok "I said, "lucy.....wendy what are you doing here" I hear someone call us. I turn and see gray looking at us, "hi gray" I ran up to him," I miss you" I told him." I miss you too "gray said hugging me back, "lu we need to get ready for the games" gray said to lucy~nee." Ok" lucy~nee agreed, "hey wen I have to go ok" lucy~nee told me, "no lucy~nee I want to be with you" I said, I erase my guild mark and look at her. Lucy~nee was looking at me in shock," if that's what you want then I'm not going to stop you ok" lucy said, I was so happy. "Let's go to the other's" gray said, "the other's" I look at him with a confusing face on, "you see" gray told me and I said" ok". I follow lucy,gray and we stop at a door, gray knock a girl voice said "who is it" from the other side of the door,"it's me lucy and gray open up" lucy-nee said. "Ok" the person said, they open the door and I saw mira, "MIRA I MISS YOU SO MUCH "I jump in her arms and cry, "oh wendy I miss you too "mira said rubbing my back to calm Down.


I look at wendy arm and see her guild mark is gone, "wendy what happen to your guild mark" I said in a concern voice, "I erase it because I want to be with lucy~nee, and the guild be always throwing a party everyday the master always in his office all day" wendy explain to us, "well I guess you can stay with us "I said to her, wendy face turn to a sad face to a happy face. "Well wen- I cut off by zeref, "lulu I'm so happy for you" zeref hugging lucy, "ok ok zeref that's enough "lucy said pull away from him." Is t-that zeref t-the dark mage "wendy said in a fear voice, zeref look at wendy and said, "no I'm not zeref I'm his son zeref Jr" zeref explain and introduced himself. 'Wendy I you need to keep a secret ok" lucy said, wendy nod her head, "me and gray are the daughter and son of zeref" lucy said. "You and gray are brothers and sister's" wendy ask, "yes I have three brothers , oh and this is luke my other brother too" lucy explain to wendy. "Wendy this is my girlfriend Nikki" gray said, "hello wendy" Nikki introduced herself. "Hi" wendy smiles at her, "ok people its time to go" jellal said, "oh wendy do know how use guns,sword etc" I ask her, "yup" wendy said. "Well me and Lucy was thinking that we gonna give some weapons and you can some magic too" I told her. Her eye's had star in them, "ok wendy here you go" I gave her weapons and some magic too.
(I'm gonna show you wendy weapons and forms k)

(I'm gonna show you wendy weapons and forms k)

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