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"Why jellal...why would you do that" I cry out loud,while hugging my brother's pillows."who's there?" Gray walk in his room and see me on his bed crying. "Lu why are you crying for and where's jellal?"gray eyes softened and walk closer to me and sat on the edge of the bed." J-jellal were kissing another woman, s-s-so I left him at the guild..sniff"I cried even more. "What?!?"Gray rose up and growl. "Gray... where's my kids at..I-I want to see them now" I wiped my tears away and look at gray in the eyes. Gray's eyes was icy cold, I can tell he was ready to snap someone neck at any moment . I walked up to gray and cup his cheeks, smile at him. "Please calm down gray...please for me"I spoke softly. Gray narrow his eyes at me and his eyes change to blue and red. "I can't calm down Lucy..jellal did something he shouldn't have be doing to begin with"gray lower his head on my shoulder and whisper in my ear" and I cannot stand by, and watch my sister cry her pretty eyes out now... I will simply teach him a lesson " I can feel gray smirk in my ear. Before I could even respond, Gray disappear and my children appear on the bed sleeping.

Lucia and Lucifer were peaceful sleeping, until Lucia starting crying, I rush over to her. "It's okay my baby girl..everything gonna be okay" I rock her back to sleep. Lucia were slowly fallen back asleep, I smiled and kiss her forehead."my beautiful babies" I chuckled kissing their little hands. Lucifer was holding my finger,while he was sleeping.


I shift my eyes towards the door,"who is it?" I quietly talked."it's Mira and Nikki..Lucy" Mira answer back. I use my magic to open the door,I smiled at them and look my kids.
"I heard what happened Lucy....zeref,Luke,and gray went to have a little talk with jellal" Mira spoken softly, so she won't wake up the children."hm" I responded while rubbing my son little belly.

"I'm sorry this happened to you Lucy... I'm sure there has to be a reason why he did it" Nikki sat on the bed and place her hand on top of my hand. I slowly look at her and break down again. My children starting crying again, mostly Lucifer,Which he woken up Lucia from her deep sleep."oh my"Mira giggles and pick up Lucia." Imma take Lucia to your mother and father Lucy" Mira said to me. "Okay that's fine hehe" I wiped my tears and laugh. "Nikki can you get Lucifer as well and follow me" Mira smile at her. "Oh of course" Nikki smile and pick up Lucifer. "Come on my little hubby"Nikki tickles Lucifer stomach and Lucifer laugh.

-Third POV-

"Now let's go to my husband" Lucy got up and open a Portal, then jump in. Few minutes later Lucy show up at the guild and walk towards Zeref 's office. Lucy knock on the door.."come in" Lucy heard and open the door. Lucy walk in and smell salt and bit of blood."oh Lucy.. what brings you here, you supposed be with mother and father"Luke point out. "Well I wanna to stop by have a chat with my...husband" Lucy glare at jellal. "Oh? But we was-" gray got cut off by Lucy. "I DON'T CARE...let me have five minutes with him please gray...please zeref,please Luke." Lucy cry out and slam her hands on the desk. Everyone in the room flinch, zeref was first one to recovery from that."well okay..but you have 5 minutes okay and that's it"zeref yelled. "Damn you didn't have to yell..we heard you"Luke mumble. Zeref punch him and Luke was knock out the office and land it on one of the guilds table downstairs. Lucy walk up to jellal and slap him,"why jellal..why"Lucy grips on his coat." I-Lucy She forced me on top of her and made me kiss her"jellal sobs. "I-I try to pull away,but her nails was digging into my skin and grip was too strong as well, I try to stop kissing her b-b-but she kept pulling me into the kiss Lucy!!..please don't leave me..I didn't mean to hurt you I swear on my life lucy!!" Jellal drop to his knees and hug Lucy waist,then cry his heart out. Lucy being his mate, her dragon was crying out in pain. "Jellal please look at me"Lucy whisper. Jellal sniff and look at Lucy in her beautiful chocolate brown eyes of hers. Lucy smile"I forgive you jellal, I can't leave you jellal...we soulmates until death do us apart" Lucy rubs her thumb against jellal cheek. Jellal forced out a smile and continue hugging her waist. "I love you Lucy and I'll will do anything for you to make up,for what I did"jellal mumble."anything eh?" A grin appear on Lucy little mouth of hers. Lucy motions jellal towards the couch and sat on his lap. "I will punish you later..when we get back home understood"Lucy eyes turn crimson red for a bit and second later it went back to her chocolate brown eyes. Jellal felt turn on by this, Lucy start kissing on his mark and grinding on his area. Jellal face turn red and moan softly,Lucy giggles to herself. "Oh my jellal you so cute right now" Lucy look at her work,jellal had hickeys marks around his chest up to his neck. His cheek  still red from the slap earlier, Lucy lean in and kiss him, jellal took control and devoured her lips, explored ever inch of her mouth, leaving Lucy moaning a mess. Soon they pull away from the kiss to catch their breath, a saliva connected to their lips. Both was blushing a lot. Jellal shirt was ripped, Lucy lips was swollen from the kiss. Jellal an Lucy both rest their forehead on each other to recover their breath. "I love you" jellal said breathlessly. "Hm"Lucy Hum and smile. Jellal smirk, jellal pinch her womanhood. Lucy gasp and arch her back, "j-jellal" Lucy moan out. "Hehe sorry Lucy, but you didn't say I love you too back" jellal chuckle. Lucy blushes and say"I love you" jellal was please at what he heard. Then there was a knock at the door,"oh who is it" Lucy yelled. "It's gray" gray open the door," We have something to tell you.. about that girl"gray said. Lucy nod an stood up, Lucy straighten herself out, was about to leave the door, but jellal grab her hand pull into a kiss. It was passionate and meaningful kiss.

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