chapter 6

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(Hi guys I'm sorry if not uploading a story yet 😓😓😓if you see my other book then your the best but if you didn't read it yet then its ok 😀😀😀)

Third (POV)

Lucy and Mira standing face to face with natsu and lisanna.(Olivia- who's going to win? Lisanna- can you shut the fuck up and go to the damn story. Olivia- who the fuck r u talking to bitch. Sorry guys but to the story) "why are you here weakling" lisanna said, "none of your damn business" lucy said with vemon in her voice. "Hey! You can't talk my girlfriend like that" natsu said with flames on his hands, "oh you wanna go "lucy and mira said in unison.

"Girls y'all might want to leave right now its going be a long battle" mira said while looking at natsu and lisanna.
"OK mira" Nikki said, "through this portal it lead to my guild" mira explain, "OK and thanks mira and lucy for saving us too" the girls said while walking into the portal.
"Your welcome" lucy and mira said in unison. "Angle form" lucy cast, "demon form "mira cast( mira have different demon forms OK the first you seen was her queen form)

 "Angle form" lucy cast, "demon form "mira cast( mira have different demon forms OK the first you seen was her queen form)

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Lucy form

Mira form

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Mira form

"Let's dance" mira said while smirking. "FIRE DRAGON BRILLIANT FLAME" natsu cast out, "Animal souls cat form" lisanna cast out, "angle love wind" lucy cast. A wind form in a big ball came towards natsu. Natsu was suck in to the wind that fill with hearts that was sharp.

Lisanna (POV)

"They strong but they not stronger than me" I thought, "keep thinking like that you will get your ass beat more" mira said. "H-how did-" I cut of by natsu screaming. "NATSU" I yell, I look at mira and lucy with a glare, "you going to pay" I said with a cold voice. Lucy was standing there with a emotional face,Mira was licking her lips at me she say "it's going to be fun playing with you "mira said. "Misfortune jar" mira cast out, "open the gate of twin lost soul Cassie,kiki" Lucy cast out. Mira kick me in the stomach, and her eyes turn bloody red and I started to choked. (Third person POV) Mira took lisanna soul and putting in a jar, "now you will feel my pain for now on" Mira smirk.

Natsu (POV)

Lucy was opening a gate and two little girls come out and look at me with smirk there face.(here what they look like)

(Kiki is on the right and Cassie is on the left)

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(Kiki is on the right and Cassie is on the left)

"FIRE DRAGON ROOOOOOOOAR" I spell out,"dark rose" shot one girls shoot a rose at me "dark" kiki cast behind me. At the time I was about fall over lucy ran up to punch me in the face. Then she transform again and try stab me but I block it," fire dragon lighting punch" she block it.(sorry I forgot to show you want she look like)

(sorry I forgot to show you want she look like)

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"Mmmm he strong but not stronger than me" I thought, "Leo,Virgo, cancer,and Libra" i call out, "let's fight" I told them they look at me and nodded. "Libra switch the gravity" I told her, "yes princess "natsu was on the ground all beating up from the other spirit. I look over to see mira slice lisanna everywhere her body then fall to the ground. "Mira" I yell, "are you done "I yell again while deformed back to myself. "Yea I'm done mira" yell back.

Mira (POV)

"Wow lucy you shown natsu that work" I said proudly, "same thing goes to you too mira" lucy replied back. "Lucy look out" I yell, "hu-"i cut her off by jumping in front of her.
"Ahhhh" Mira scream in pain, "mira no "lucy cry out.


"Mira no "I cry, "its OK lucy it just a bruise" mira said. I look over my shoulder and see natsu standing there smirking at me. "What's wrong lucy" natsu said, "you're going to pay for that" I said. "Bring it on then" natsu said while getting into fighting pose, "moonlight star queen form" I yell.
(This what she look like)

I put both of my hands together and a gun appeared in my hand "star shot" I spell

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I put both of my hands together and a gun appeared in my hand "star shot" I spell. A thousands of star came crashing down on natsu, I saw natsu standing there lifeless about drop too the ground. I turn back to normal and ran back to mira, "mira" I yell out. "You did good" lucy Mira said while smiling at me, "yes, yes I did" I replied back, "now let heal you mira" I command. "OK lucy" she said, "angle heal" I cast, a big green ring circle around mira body and starting to glow then her body was back to normal. "Thank you Lucy" mira say "your welcome" I replied, lisanna and natsu was on the wall lean against to sit up.


Me and lisanna was hurt badly but I still had one eye open a little. I see lucy and Mira walking towards us and said "we meet again in GMG see you later oh and tell scarlet that don't touch my boyfriends/cousin your else' then they walk away.


Hi guys I'm stop it here OK its like 11:35 at night and I'm sooo sleepy but I wrote this story for you.

Oh and lisanna you better shut the fuck up because your slut ass got beat up by lucy and Mira and roasting by lucy too.

Byee guys😂😂😂

Olivia out

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