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 Don't play music yet k and let the story begin.

Nikki (POV)

Gray, Wendy, and I walk back to the others, Lucy ran up to us smiling and jumping. "That was amazing Wendy and Nikki" Lucy cheer, "thanks Lucy-nee/lu"me and Wendy say. "Well that was a good show you put on Nikki and Wendy" Luke walk up to lucy, "thanks but there's something I have to tell you" I look at them dead in the eye. "Ok what do you want to tell us" jellal speak up, "well I felt the ground shaking and there was little voice in my head"I explain to them, "well that is something interesting" zeref and layla appear. "Hi zer-zer" Lucy hug zeref, "hey lu-lu" zeref smile at her.

"So you that girl nikki, I been hearing about from gray" Layla look at me, "yes ma'am I'm Nikki gray's girlfriend" I smile at her then gray. "Well I have to you show gray baby pictures, they are so cute" Layla was running to the baby pictures, gray Goan. Lucy and Mira was laughing at Luke and jellal arm wrestling, "guys let's not get off topic ok" I warn them. "Sorry Nikki, but let's go investigate the arena later and see if we can find some clues there "Lucy suggest. "Lucy-nee there this sent I smell before" Wendy walk up to Lucy, "it must be father then" Lucy thought. Zeref appear, "you call my baby girl" zeref hug Lucy," father I can't breathe" Lucy push zeref away. Zeref look at Wendy," you are a sky dragon Slayer" zeref looking at her up and down.

Third POV

"H-How do yo-ou know" Wendy Sutter in fear, well "Lucy,jellal,gray,and Mira have told me about you and you want to become stronger" zeref smile at her.
"B-but H-How do you know them" Wendy Sutter again, "well they are my children, jellal is my son in law" zeref explain to wendy. "About that father lucy....." gray join in, zeref look at gray "Lucy what" zeref look at his son. "Lucy is pregnant with jellal's baby " gray said. Lucy smile at him, zeref look at Lucy and cry on her." My little girl is growing up to a women " zeref cry out, "father ...i.can't breath.."lucy pushing him off of her. Gray and luke laugh at lucy.

*please play the music *

Nikki pov

( Help me...please help me ..n-nikki) "There goes it again" nikki whisper to herself, "nikki....nikki.....NIKKI!!!" luke yells out to her. nikki was walking in the middle the area . Then wendy and lucy became the same as nikki, " lucy...wendy....nikki..what are you doing???" jellal and other call out to them. " they under some type of a spell" zeref told jellal, ( nikki you almost there...come closer....) Nikki , lucy , and wendy got closer to the voice and stop. A little girl appear with string around her.

"You did it Nikki great job, now I want  you to DESTROYED THEM" the little girl order Nikki

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"You did it Nikki great job, now I want  you to DESTROYED THEM" the little girl order Nikki.


I'm sorry guys, but I had to😂😂😂.
And I'm sorry this story is short I will make it long next time k.

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