chapter 7 (part 2)

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Jellal (pov)

"WHY THE HELL IS LUCY/MIRA ARE HURT" gray,me,Luke yell out. "I don't know guys all i know is they came in hurt" zeref explain, "lucy/mira where are you "three girls calls out. "Hello there why you looking for mira and lucy" i said, "oh they save us from a demon and they told us that we can join the guild" one of the girls explain.

"Umm can you tell us what happen" I ask, "OK" the girls said. After they got done explain to us what happen, all the boys was so mad that our power was raise. "Can you tell me your name" gray ask, "OK I'm Nikki and I'm 20, this is raven she is 17, and rin the youngest she is 16" Nikki told us. 'What is your power" Luke ask, "its copy magic" rin said, "demon slayer" Nikki told, "and I'm a take over mage I can do a Angle and demons" raven explain to us.

Gray (pov)

"I can heal Lucy and Mira for you" Rin look at them, "you sure I don't want to push you hard OK "I warn her. "No its fine" rin say, "angle healing" rin cast. Lucy and Mira was all heal up by rin, me and jellal ran up to them and hug them. "Please never scare us like that any more OK" jellal and I said to them, "we won't" they replied back.

"Hey guys you know that GMG is coming up" zeref told us.

"Who did you pick zeref" Luke ask.

I pick

"And Nikki for the reserve" zeref list out.

"Well let's pack our bags and get ready to go to the beach and train for 3 months "I order.

Time skip

"Let's go check out our Hotel" Nikki said, we walk over to the hotel. "Hello there how can I help you today" lady said, "we want to sign in we participate in the GMG". "What is your guild name" lady ask, "its moonlight star" lucy said.


"This women keep staring at my brothers and boyfriend" i thought,"I'm about to choke her out right now, but is she touch one of them she is dead" I glare at her. "Umm can we get our room keys now" I said, the lady stop staring and look at me in a disgust way. But no one didn't notice it but I did, "here you go ma'am" lady said to me. "Thank you" I told her back, "well I guess we are on the first floor "mira said. "Yup" luke agreed, "well me and jellal have room A34, Nikki and Luke room is A35, mira and gray room is A36 "I told them.

We walk to our rooms, "lu what's wrong "jellal ask me. "Nothing" I told him, "but there is wrong with me its that lady" I thought. "You lying to me lucy "jellal said while coming closer to me, "i'm n-not" I stutter. "Why the hell did I stutter for" I thought, jellal pin me to the wall. "Why are you lying to me" jellal said softy while coming closer to my face, I look at him in his eye's then come closer to him. He kiss me I wrap my arms around, he pull me closer to him. I was crying through the kiss, "I really do love jellal I'm just scare that he will leave me" I thought. Jellal notice that I was crying, he open the room door and pick me up walk to the bed,i sat on his lap facing him.

"Lucy are you OK" jellal said with a worried face,I just broke down crying on him. "I'm scare jellal" I said between my tears, "scare of what" jellal ask while looking at me in the eye's. "I'm scare that you will leave me jellal" I told him. His eye's was widen then he hug me tight, "I would never leave you Lucy don't ever think like" jellal said. "OK" I replied back, then I kiss him with lots of love in it.

With fairly tail

Ezra (POV)

"I hope we win the GMG "I thought, "hey erza let's go the hotel" lisanna said. "Ok" I agreed, "make sure you here at 11:00 "I told them with a glare. "Yes ma'am" they said.


"Hey lis let's go to a restaurant" I ask, "sure natsu" lisanna agreed." Natsu who do you think we are going against to" lisanna ask," I would say the sarbertooth" I told her.
"Umm natsu is that gray and Mira over there" lisanna point out. I turn around and see gray and Mira sitting at a table beside us. "Hey gray don't think jellal and lucy will get married and have 30 kids for me" mira said while fan girling." I don't know about the kids part yet" gray said,"what about you gray do you like anybody" mira ask gray. "n-no" gray stutter while blushing, _come on gray you can tell your cousin anything" mira said. "Wait what jellal and lucy are together, and gray and Mira are cousin" I thought. "Well well what do we have here" gray and Mira said in unison while looking at us, "what do you want weakling" lisanna said. "Lisanna you better shut up the fuck up last time I check I beat your ass" mira said while smirking." Oooooh" gray said, "come on gray we don't have time for them anyway" mira said. "Alright see ya at the GMG" gray said then walk away.


I'm going to stop here guys I hope you like it so far

Olivia-  if the end seem weird then I was half sleep OK I try my best OK.😪😪😪😪

Bye guys

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