chapter 19

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(a/n- sorry if i didn't update in a while i'm trying to write more ok)

Next morning (third POV)

Lucy was sleeping on jellal. There was a knock at the door, " who's is it" jellal rub his eyes. " It's Mira" Mira said sweetly. Jellal got up and open the door, " hey are you going to get the wedding ring today or tomorrow" Mira ask. " Today, let me get ready ok " jellal yawns, " okay" Mira agreed and walk away. Jellal close the door and went to the bathroom (20 mins later) jellal came out the bathroom with a towel around his waist. Lucy wakes up crying,"jellal" Lucy whined.
Jellal walk to Lucy and rubs her stomach to calm down the babies" Lucy I'm here" jellal whisper while kissing her neck.

Lucy breathing was slowly down a little, " it seem like they miss you " Lucy look at him, " yeah " jellal smile at her. Jellal help Lucy up and kiss her passionate. Lucy smile through the kiss and wrap her arms around his neck. Jellal squeeze her butt and Lucy jump. " J-jellal" Lucy Sutter. Jellal chuckle and gave her one last kiss on the lips. They pull away and jellal got finished ready and Lucy was in her own little world for a minute. " Lucy are you ok " jellal look at her in concerned way, " yeah I'm fine I was just thinking " Lucy laugh nervously. " You was spacing out and you was looking at the wall " jellal told her.

"Jellal where are you going" Lucy ask, "well I'm going to the store and later I'm taking you out to on a date ok" jellal explain. Lucy blushes hard, " o-ok" Lucy stutter. " Come on let's go to breakfast" jellal said softly, Lucy got up and walked to the bathroom and throw up, jellal hold on her hair back and rubs her back. Lucy brushed her teeth and leave the room with jellal behind her, all the members was already at the table eating and discuss things. " Lucy my dear, how are you feeling" Layla asked her only daughter. " I'm good mom, thanks for asking" Lucy smile. " Not at all, it's my duty to help my children in every need" Layla smile back her. " So mother about to the castle" gray mentioned, " oh yes gray thank you from remind me that" Layla giggles. " Well your father was discussed with the others Lord's and we have castle for all of you" Layla hold zeref hand. " Yes your mother is right" zeref agreed. "Gray since you like the cold and be somewhere it's cool" zeref said to gray. " Aqua will show you where your castle is ok" zeref smile at his son. " Of course father" gray agreed. Zeref snap his finger together and five imagine of a castle.



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