chapter 5

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Gray and zeref (POV)

"Man I don't feel like getting up today" they both said. "Let's go on a Job I guess," Gray said. "Well, time to get up," they said. "Jellal where Lucy and Mira" gray asks, "oh Lucy told me she and Mira are going to find people for the guild" jellal explains. "OK gray," said, "well do you want to go a job jellal" gray ask, "sure I don't mind," jellal said.

Time skip


"Mira are you ready" Lucy ask, "yup let's go," I say, "where should we look at Lucy," I ask, "we could in clover town or ash town".( plz go with the name OK I try 😌😌)"let's go to clover town OK, "I said, "Sure "Lucy agreed too.

At fairly tail


"Man I'm so happy that weakling is gone now, our guild 10 times stronger than before and the best part is I have lasagna too, "I thought. "Natsu~kun somebody said, huh?" I say confusingly I felt something hit back I turn my head and see lisanna cutely looking at me. (Olivia- bitch plz you think that's soo cute u don't have a taste at least Lucy is better than this slut over here 😡😡😡😡😡😤)" hi, lisanna are you okay" I ask, "yup and I want to ask you do you won't go on a quest with me together," lisanna asks while cutely playing with her hands. "Of course" I agree. "What's the quest about lis," I ask "oh silly me here you go Natsu" lis said, "thanks, "I say.


Please help us !!!!! there are five demons destroy our town
More information will be giving to once come to clover town

One free room

Free meal

"So that means we need to take the train," I ask while turning green," yup and don't worried I let you lay on my lap" lis explains. "Thanks, lis," I said.

(Back to Mira and Lucy in clover town )

"Hey, Mira help me with this sign," Lucy asks, "course" I replied with a smile." Hmmm? Something is off I can feel it, it seems that Lucy sense it too". Then we heard people screaming, so I and Lucy ran towards the screams when we got 5 demons were surrounding three girls. "HEY LEAVE THOSE GIRLS ALONE" I yell in an angry voice. "And what you going to do about it," one of the demons said, "this" Lucy and I said in unison." STAR DRESS CANCER" LUCY yell, "DEMONS FORCE "I yell.
( I don't own any of the pictures or videos in all chapters but here is what they look like.)

Mira form(I couldn't find a pic of Lucy but if u know what her star dress cancer is then yaaaay u cool😆😆😆 but if u don't then look on Google and type up Lucy star dress cancer it sure pops up)

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Mira form
(I couldn't find a pic of Lucy but if u know what her star dress cancer is then yaaaay u cool😆😆😆 but if u don't then look on Google and type up Lucy star dress cancer it sure pops up)

"I'm the queen of hell you shall be killed for what you have done," I said in a demanding voice, "hah u bluffing the queen left 100 century ago the "demon said in a fearful voice but slightly brave. "You starting to piss me off I'm just to kill you dark hole" I cast while I did that I see that Lucy was finished with the other demons "are you OK Lucy," I ask.

"Are you OK" Mira ask me, "yea I'm OK but I'm worried about those three girls" I explain," yeah same here" Mira agree? "Well let's check on them," Mira said demand, "OK "I agree too. (with Natsu and whore i-i mean lisanna guys don't look at me with that face I say lisanna😬😬😬)
When the train stop Natsu ran off the train and kiss the ground, and saying thank you over and over. "Natsu you should stop kissing the ground like that people are looking at us," I said. "O sorry lis I didn't mean to do, "Natsu said while hugging me from behind. "It's OK," I said, "well where is the Mayor house at" Natsu ask. "o it's up there on the hill," I told Natsu, "well come on lis what are we waiting for then" as Natsu said that he pulls my hand and run the hill to the Mayor house. I knock on the door and the man an open his door he looks like he was 18 years old his eyes was baby blue and brown hair he wears a suit too I mean damn he was hot but not as Natsu is ( see what did I tell you guys she a whore but anyways back the story ) "come in come in" the Mayor said." OK so you know that your mission is to kill demons right" mayor said in an understanding voice, "yes sir we do know we are fighting demons "Natsu said back, "o anyway my name is Shiro but the town people call me sho" Shiro said back while smiling at us "anyways the demons are coming in 20 mins so hurry they always in the town OK" Shiro warn us. "OK will do sir," I said. (time skip)" wow those demons were easy," Natsu said while smiling, "yup it was" I agree too. "Wait I smell something" Natsu explains, "well come on then," I say. We run to the scent that Natsu smell when we got there we see five girls.


"Hi, girls I and my cousin want to know it was alright and everything," I said with a concerted voice. "Yes thank you you save me and my two little sisters, "one of the girls said while hugging me and Mira, "wait I smell something coming behind us," I thought. "Mira I smell something coming behind us"I mind link to Mira, "OK lu, "Mira said back. "Girls can you tell me your name" Mira ask, "oh my name is Nikki and I'm 20 this is raven she is 17, and last is the youngest she is 16, "Nikki told us. "Well do you want to join mine" guild I ask, "su-" raven was cut off by someone behind us. "HEY, YOU WITH BLONDE HAIR WHY DO YOU SMELL LIKE LUCE" someone yells out to me I am frozen on the spot when I hear that voice, I turn around and see Natsu and lisanna looking at me and Mira in a disgusting way more like lisanna was than Natsu. "What do you want Natsu and lisanna," I said with a demon voice.


Well, I'm going to stop it here guys I was writing too long and know some of all want to read it bad.

Jellal- if Natsu and lisanna hurt mine lu then I'm going to kill them for good.

Lucy- don't worried about me jellal they not going to hurt me because I and Mira will unleash a secret weapon in the next chapter.

Olivia- lucccccccy why did you do that you told them.

Lucy-I'm so sorry I didn't mean to

Olivia -hey jellal can I get a kiss plz

Jellal- with pleasure *grabs Olivia close and kiss me with passion in it*

Olivia-*blushing* bye bye guys

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