chapter 23

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~the next day~ author (POV)

Footsteps was heard through the dungeon, it was echoing through the place. Steps after steps was getting louder until it stop. Natsu and lisanna was brutal beating up, they can't use there magic, blood was everywhere all around the cell and it was there own blood too. They been whip, cut, beating, oh did I say brutal beating, yes very very brutal beating. Two guards was standing in front of their cell smiling insanely at them, one of them open the cell door and walk in. Natsu and lisanna was sleep and breathing heavily too. The guards throws hot water at them to wake up, "wake up you fuckers" a man smile creepy, while yelling at them. Lisanna scream because of the pain in her body. "Shut up your damn screaming, you bitch" a woman grab a fist full of lisanna hair and drag her out the cell. Natsu on the other hand was getting punch in the face by the man guard. "Now time to interrogate you" the guard stick out his tongue at natsu. He drag natsu out the cell and take him where lisanna is.

 He drag natsu out the cell and take him where lisanna is

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(Name- chase)

(Name- Naomi)

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(Name- Naomi)

The guards took them to a room, it don't have no windows, but just a light and two chairs.

The guards took them to a room, it don't have no windows, but just a light and two chairs

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Lisanna was struggling to get out of the lady arm, but the lady knee her in the stomach. " Damnit noami" chase glare at her. Naomi giggles while strapping lisanna in the chair. Natsu was already in the chair with duck tape over his mouth. Naomi put tape on lisanna too. Soon zeref and reo came in. "Master zeref" Naomi runs over to her master. Chase walks over to his master reo, "is they still alive" zeref look noami. "Yes master" naomi smile and bow. "Good"that's all "zeref said."Wake them up now" reo order the guards. "Yes master" they both said. Naomi grab lisanna head and punch Her in the face, lisanna head turn to the side. "Mmmm!!" Lisanna scream through the tape. Tears start going down lisanna face fast. Chase grab a hammer and hit natsu knee, natsu head shot up in pain. "Nnn!"Natsu cry out in pain. Chase was laughing. "enough chase" reo look at him, chase soon stop and bow his head at his master and grin, then stand by his master side. "Forgive me master" chase was on His knee holding reo hand. Reo sigh,"quite acting out"reo pat chase head and smile. Chase got up and nod. Naomi was standing by her master waiting for orders. Zeref walk up to natsu and look at him, then smirk."so I heard you try to kill my son, because he had the same name as me hmm? Natsu am I right " zeref said in a very demand voice. Natsu glare at him and try to get out the chair. "Master!" Naomi yelled. "Are you okay" naomi ask in concern voice. "Yes I'm okay Naomi" zeref glance at her, then back to natsu. Zeref rip off the tape on natsu mouth and punch him in the face and wipe his hand from the blood. Natsu spit out blood to the side."now answer my damn question " zeref grab natsu head to look at him. "You wanna kill my son and take my daughter powers away " zeref eyes turn red. Natsu nod his head yes, " I don't answer to shaking heads" zeref said in a stern voice, "y-yes" natsu in a dry voice. Lisanna was crying out for natsu, reo walk up to lisanna. " answer my question girl, who's is erza Scarlet " reo demand it. Chase rips off the tape on her mouth, lisanna lick her lips. "Erza scarlet s-she...she jellal childhood friend, t-they both grew up in the town of heavens...and erza love jellal" lisanna explain while catching her breathe. Reo laughs at this and lisanna flinch. " how pathetic " reo grabs lisanna thoart. Lisanna was coughing, " the town of heavens was creating was by me not zeref, it was made to teach jellal a lesson and top of that it was our sercet weapon to destroy anyone who dare to take something from us or harm my sons or anyone we know, but you damn fairies had to stick your nose in our business didn't you huh?" Reo was losing his patience and grip around lisanna neck got tighter and tighter, until he let go. Lisanna was coughing a mess. "Jellal already have his future in front him and I don't need any damn fairies to take that away from him " reo raise his voice, chase close his eyes and wait for orders. "Chase I want you to send someone to spy on erza Scarlet now, that's a order" reo look at chase who bow and smile. "Yes master" chase walk out the room."Naomi send this girl back to her cell" reo wave his hand at her."Yes master"naomi bow and unstrapped lisanna out the chair. Naomi drag her out the room to her cell.


My body feels so sore, I just got hit again by zeref. Everything is getting burry,"hey!! Let me out!" Huh was that, there was some one talking in my head. "Hey! Let me out I can help you!!" "Who are you" I question the person in my head. " I'm you..." "Me?" I said in confused way. "Yes! I'm your other half" "other half..huh?" I paused, " how can you help me in this situation I'm in" I ask the person. " all you have to do is say release... " " oh okay " I said. "RELEASE!!" I yelled. "..." Then all I can heard a demonic laugh and everything turn black.


The seal is broken, he release...
"Reo you feel it" I looked at reo," yes I do" he looked at natsu. Soon natsu body start to change, curse marks was showing on his body, his horn appear on his head. Natsu fangs got shaper. Natsu raise his head and smirk at zeref, " well well look its my brother " natsu snicker.

 Natsu raise his head and smirk at zeref, " well well look its my brother " natsu snicker

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"You came back so early than I expect" I look at him. "Maybe I wanna surprise you this time " natsu laughs and lean forward, while he was still strapped to the chair still. " how long have I be gone hmm? 100 years or 58 years " natsu smirked more. " shut up, you already know you expelled from this kingdom " i glare at him. " oh? Am I now" natsu tap his nail on the chair. "You know what you did and I never forgive you that day"i clenched fist. "Oh? That day? Eh" natsu grins.

~flashback ~

Zeref and his wife was walking through the garden while his son was playing with the flowers, then a guard was running was to zeref, " king zeref your brother kill the former king and queen. Zeref world came crashing down on him, he ran in the castle to ball room and see his little brother with a sword in his hand and grin at him, "oh zeref mother and father wouldn't let be king, they say I wasn't fit to be king, but I prove them wrong" natsu smile with bodies around him. "Why not destroy the kingdom if I can't have it" natsu laughs insanely. Zeref power level was raising by the minute. "NATSUUUUUUUU" zeref run to natsu and punch to the wall and summoned eight swords and aim it at natsu, then shoot them at him. Natsu had holes in his body, he spit out blood. Then zeref say this weird language that natsu didn't understand yet. Natsu felt this burning sensation over his body, he let out piercing scream. " MAKE IT STOP!! MAKE IT STOP!!" Natsu scream, then natsu body slowly disappear without a trace.

Goodbye brother.....until next time

~end flashback ~

"Yes I recall that day you sent me to hell" natsu glare at him. "It was your own good" zeref raise his voice. " my own good huh?" Natsu growl. " yes I hope you learn your lesson or I will kill you slowly " I threatening him. "Tch" natsu rolled his eyes, "do I make myself clear" zeref eyes red again. " crystal clear" natsu said. "Good, you will stay here until I think u ready to meet your nicec and nephews" i explain to him while walking out with reo beside me. Natsu goan.


Sorry I ended it here, but it's sooooo late. It's fucking 3:23 in the morning and I'm tried 😴😴.

But I hope u like it so far.

Bye for now ✌️✌️✌️✌️

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