chapter 25

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~zeref Jr POV~

"Kuroko" father call my middle name."yes father"I glanced towards him."I want you to protect this kingdom and everyone here....I change my mind you will be the next king of this kingdom" father place his hand on my shoulder and gave me a serious face."but father this is your kingdom that you work your ass off to get where you are now... excuse my language Father...this kingdom will fall apart without you being the king.. father I can't accept this father..I still have to get myself together and figure out what I want to do with my life"I said with my head down shame what I said to my father..this is the first time I refuse my father requested. I felt my father Pat my head,"I knew you was gonna refuse the offer Jr..."Father smile and continue talking. "Today is the day you all will be crown king and queen,and have your own kingdom to rule over son" father explain."of course father...I will tell the others to get ready" I smile and hug my father, father was surprised by this,but he hug me back and smile.

I summon all my servants,"please tell my brothers and sister to get ready for the ceremony today" I order them. "Yes master as you wish" my servants said unison and disappeared. I left father's study room and went to meet with mother.

~lucy POV~

"Mmm~"I moan."so delicious"I stuff my mouth with strawberry. "Uuh lu chill back on the strawberry okay"jellal rubs my thighs. Currently I'm sitting on jellal's lap right now, eating strawberry. Jellal wanted to keep in eye on me while he was talking with the other guys in the lounge room. Jellal has been cautious, because I can give birth any moment now. Ain't he just the best husband, a girl could ask for in life. I look over seen Luke eating my strawberry"....Luke why are you eating my strawberry, when you have your raspberry in front of your face"I snatch my strawberry away from him. "Hey! They not yours Lucy give me some"Luke whined. "Lucy just give him some"gray said while taking off his clothes. "Urgh fine here-"I cut myself off and I jump off jellal lap,"guys my w-water just broke"I hold my stomach. Jellal jump out his seat and pick me up, then teleport me to the medical room with Mira others behind him. My mother and jellal's mother was already there. "Mother Lucy water broke"jellal panic. Jellal lay me on the bed and hold my hand. While I was breathing heavily.

-3 hours-
-jellal POV-

After 3 hours Lucy gave birth to my children, right now we in our room, Lucy is peaceful sleep and my son is sleeping next to her and my little girl is in my arms, sleeping."I can tell you gonna be a daddy girl" I chuckle and smile. I kiss my daughter forehead, I heard some baby crying and see Lucy waking up holding our son in her arms."what do you want to name them"I ask her."well the girl name is Lucia and the boy name is gonna be Lucifer"Lucy smile and play with Lucifer nose."I got you nose..I got your nose"Lucy said while messing with Lucifer. Lucifer laughs.

There was a knock at the door,"come in"I yelled.the door open zeref came in."oh hey brother, what brings you here"Lucy ask."well one I came because father was hosting a party, but he cancelled it because you just gave birth, and 2 I came to see my niece and nephew"zeref chuckle. "Oh okay"Lucy smile. Zeref smile and touch Lucifer cheek and play with his little hand, Lucifer grab zeref finger."aww so cute"Lucy whispered. Zeref chuckle, and Pat Lucia and Lucifer head and walk out the room. Lucy sigh and sat up in the bed. "Jellal look...I trust you a lot, but..."Lucy looks at me and then looks away. "But what luce" I grab her hand and put it up to my cheek. "Did you ever fell in love with Erza, before I got my memories back"Lucy eyes was watery a little, a little tear had escape from her eyes,Lucy is so delicate. I sigh, I know she was gonna ask one day..."yes luce I did fell in love with I still love her no..I love you and my kids, nothing will change that" I lay Lucia down in her crib and hover over Lucy, while lifting her chin up to look up in my eyes. Lucy's eyes had tears in them, while her lips was little apart."jellal please..i-i-" Lucy was cut off by me sealing her lips with mines. I feel Lucy kisses back and grips on my shirt. I heard a baby crying below me, I pull back and heard Lucy whimpering. I smirk and gave her a peck on the lips, Lucifer crys again. I chuckled and pick up Lucifer,"oh I see what you trying to want momma to yourself eh?"I tickle his neck,then he laughed. Lucy giggles and gets up and walks over to Lucia who's is fast asleep.

(Umm guys I'mma end this book probably in the next two chapters coming up,keyword "probably". I might skip some parts and I might make a book 2,I haven't decided it yet if I will make it or not. And it would probably be about the children ig. Anyway thank u for the 14k that means so much to me, tbh I really thought this book wouldn't get so popular at first,but a lot of ppl like this book. I'm trying to write more, but I have school work to do, so yeah that's why it's taking so long for these chapters.. it's because of school. Anyways back to the story)

~lucy POV~

Finally my children is here..they so beautiful,they both have there dad's hair,and they have my eyes.. crimson red. I pick my daughter up and walk out the room with jellal behind with our son in his arm. We walk to father's study room with everyone there. "Oh my Lucy.. they so beautiful"my mother gets up and walk over to me and jellal. "Wow so cute"Nikki smile, while hugging gray who is nodding his head yes."I'm so proud of you son"reo said and Pat jellal back. Jellal brother was smiling at him and gave him a grin.

 Jellal brother was smiling at him and gave him a grin

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"Now Lucy dear how are you feeling today?"Zeref ask."I'm good father.. thank you for asking"i gave Lucia to mother."Well of course"zeref smile and lean back in his chair. Luke wrap his arms around my shoulder and smile, then whispered something my ear. My face lit up with star in my eyes."really!" I look at Luke and gray. "Yup"gray chuckle and smile. "Yay I'm so happy"I said in a happy voice. Lucifer and Lucia cry, "oh im sorry my babies" i kissed there little heads. lucifer clam down,but lucia was still crying. jellal chuckle and hand over lucifer to me and get lucia from mira arms. jellal was playing with her and making her laugh.

-gray pov-

"now my children we are gather here today to rule over your own kingdom, here's the keys to the kingdoms"father snap his fingers and 5 keys appear in front of us. "Now open the Portal, your kingdom is waiting for you"mother said while smiling.
(Go back to chatper 19 and you will see the castle they pick out.)"we gonna go mother and father" I said."you can always vist us gray"mother giggles and hug me, and the others."we will mother"zeref smile."aww you look like your father, when you smile"mother cry a little. "My queen it's time for your medicine"ingeel inform mother. "Oh thank you ingeel"mother follow ingeel out the room. "Go my children.. and make your parents happy"father smile."Hai!"we said in unison.

~author POV~

They all open a different portal to there kingdom and walk through, the portal closes behind them.

~Lucy POV~

"Wow this place is beautiful"I look around."I can't to have people living in this kingdom"I think out loud."well lu there's people already living here..they just don't have a ruler to serve them"jellal chuckle."make sense"I smile at him.

~somewhere else~

Jellal you will be mine....all mine and everything you own. I will kill everything you will only love me in this game HAHAHA!!!

________________________________________ well I'mma end it here guys
Can y'all guess who was talking at the end, it should be pretty easy to figure out.

This will book be ending soon okay.

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