chapter 7(part 1)

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* I don't own the song or whatever I have up there ok, anyway on with the story. umm so yeah I went and look at other chapter and I see a picture I use twice I didn't even realize  I'm going back and put another picture up k *

at fairly tail


"mmm? Natsu and lisanna have been gone for a while" I thought. (BAM!!!) the door flies open and shown lisanna and Natsu all beat up, I run up to them." O MY GOSH!!! "I yelled, "what happen to you two" I cry out. before they even could say anything they pass out," someone get them in the infirmary" I order. Wendy and Juvia took them to the infirmary to heal, "who would do this to them" I think. I Walk to the infirmary to see if I can get some answer from them, I knock on the door, and hear a little voice said "come in'. I walk in and see Natsu half wake, "Natsu," I said. Natsu looked like "you won't believe this" face, "explain" I command. "I and lis were taking a quest that in the east" Natsu explains, "go on," I told him. "When we got there we were fighting demons" Natsu continues, I raise my eyebrow at him, "OK "I replied. We finished the job, then I smell a scent that I smell before it was.............. Luce," Natsu said quietly. "What?" I question, Natsu looks away from me, "Natsu what did the scent you smell" I yelled out. "LUCE" Natsu yells out, "lucy "I was shocked, "why her" I question. We ran into her she was starting to beat us up" Natsu said with a sad face, "by herself "I ask. "No with Mira" Natsu answer, "Natsu you hiding something from us, "Wendy said. "I am not "Natsu stuttered, "Natsu," I said with a glare, "OK OK I'm am, "Natsu said truthfully. "Speak now" I command, he flinch then begins to talk, "we starting fighting .....I hit her first then we start to battle and she knocks on me down and says this to me and lis". "What did she said," I ask, (we meet again in the GMG see you later oh and tell that scarlet to stay away from jellal or else) "then they walk away into a portal" Natsu explained. I was shocked at what she said, then I laugh. "What so funny," Natsu and wendy said in unison, "I was thinking that she was weak in all," I said. "Ezra she is strong she stronger than gramps, "Natsu said, "I don't believe it," I said. "If she was strong than gramps we doom," I thought.


Mira and I made it to guildhall all beat up, but not that much as Natsu and lisanna were. "Are you sure okay Mira?" I ask with a worried face," I'm fine lucy I need to lay down" Mira said. I open the door and hear a lot of gasp from the member, "LUCY, MIRA WHAT HAPPENED" zeref cries out while helping us to our rooms. "I am fine just a little sleepy that's all," I said, "LUCY, MIRA WHAT HELL HAPPEN TO Y'ALL TWO" Luke,jellal, gray yell." I-am- "then I blackout.

I'm stopping here guys sorry of its short soo sleepy rn😪😪

Bye guys

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