chapter 11 lemon(Re-edit)

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Song- little more
By- Chris brown

I hope you like it


Jellal POV

"Damn tonight is mating season at 12" I thought, I look over to lucy and see she in deep thoughts," lucy let's go to the hotel OK" I said. "Huh?....oh sure" lucy said while rubbing back of her neck, "hey baby do you know what time it is" I said while trying not to mark her, "its 11:50 "lucy replied. "OK good I still have time" I said in my mind, we walk to our room and lock the door, "shit! I have 4 mins left "I panic a little to myself. I grab Lucy hand and walk in the room and throw her on the bed, Lucy was surprised of this," j-jellal, What are you doing" Lucy said in a soft voice. "Lucy do you know what time it is" I ask her in a husky voice. "N-no" Lucy blushes and shake her head no. I kiss her passionate, I can see the lust in her eyes. Lucy unbutton my shirt

Lucy (Pov)

I unbutton jellal shirt and I bit my lip, looking at jellal abs, I silde my hand against his abs and i pull jellal into a kiss, I moan through the kiss, jellal turn my body around and pull my ass back, so I can feel his hard dick through his pants. I wiggle my ass and jellal Goan. He spank my ass and I gasp, he turn my body around and took off my shirt and pants. Now I'm just in my bra and panties. "My my baby girl you look so hot and sexy" jellal spread my legs and pull me under him. I was blushing so hard. I was wearing blue lace bra and panties, jellal smile and kiss me deeply and passionately. I wrap my legs around his waist. I feel jellal hands squeezing my breast,"mmmnn" I moan through the kiss.

No one (POV)

Jellal kiss Lucy on the jaw and down to her neck, he was still kissing her neck until she let out a soft moan at a certain spot on her neck, jellal smirk and mark her as his. And left a hickey mark on her neck. Jellal unclipped Lucy bra and it slide right off. Her nipples was pink and so hard, jellal can feel his pants tighten up more.Jellal cups up lucy breast, "they fit perfectly in my hands" jellal whisper into lucy ear. Jellal put his hand on the left boob and squeeze it, while swirling tongue on the right boob and pull on it too. lucy moan out, jellal switch and did the same treatment over, jellal took off Lucy panties and place her legs on his shoulder, jellal travel kisses up to Lucy core, jellal blow at her core and sent shiver to Lucy. Jellal did a long lick against her core, Lucy's feet was curl up and grip on the bedsheets. Jellal continue eating Lucy out, and then thrust his tongue in and out, and swirling his tongue around too. Lucy was moaning a mess and pulling jellal deeper. " J-jellal.. I'm about to cum" Lucy moan out, jellal smirk and pull away. Lucy whimpering," why did you pull away jellal" Lucy said while panting. Jellal took off his pants and boxers, "I can't wait Lucy I need you so bad" jellal line up member to lucy core. Lucy blushes hard, "I need you to" Lucy said softly. Jellal lean down and kiss while sliding in to her, a single tear went down Lucy cheek, she wrap her arms around his neck. Jellal Goan how tight she is, jellal whispered sweet things in her ear to clam her down. Jellal Wait for Lucy to adjust to his size, Lucy felt the pain was going away with pleasure, she nod her at jellal to move, jellal move at slow Pace, but every thrust he went hard and fast. Lucy breast was bouncing with ever thrust. "B-baby please faster" Lucy moan out. Jellal nod and went faster, Lucy mind went White," jellal..r-right there...mmm faster..aah..harder" Lucy moans louder. Jellal moans and continue hiting the Lucy g-spot harder and deeper. Lucy cums and jellal continue thrusting in and out, until his thrust got sloppy and he cum in Lucy. Jellal pull out and smile at Lucy, then kiss her."Wait its not fair jellal pleasure me but I didn't pleasure him" lucy thought, Lucy switch position so that jellal is at the bottom."lucy" jellal yell out. Lucy kiss jellal chest down to his member, jellal was blushes hard and breathing heavily. Lucy continue kissing his member to the tip. Lucy giggles and lick the tip of the head, jellal cover his eyes with his hand, "oh fuck Lucy" jellal moan. Lucy bobbing her head up and down. ( I think spell that wrong, but at least I try to spell it right) Lucy gave him a titie fuck. (O my gosh it kept auto corrected me 😤😤😤) some few minutes jellal came on Lucy boobs. Lucy touch it with her finger and lick it. "Yummy it tast like blueberry" Lucy giggles. Jellal blushes and look away. Lucy pull jellal into a heat kiss. Jellal slide his tongue in Lucy mouth and fight Dominant, but of course jellal won. Jellal pick up Lucy and place her on his lap, and he start fingering her, he adding two fingers in her. "Aaahh~" Lucy moans softly. Jellal added one more finger in Lucy,and continue pumping it and in Lucy fast. "Yesss jellal" Lucy moan jellal name. Jellal smile," who do you love me or natsu" jellal look at Lucy in the eye. " I love you jellal~" Lucy said softly. "I can't heard you Lucy" jellal pumping it faster. "I LOVE YOU JELLAL" Lucy yells. Jellal chuckle and kiss Lucy and Lucy cums again. Jellal hug Lucy. Lucy hummus in response. Jellal place lucy on the bed climb next her.

Jellal cover them up,and jellal hug lucy close. "I love you Lucy" Jellal said while kissing her," I love you too" lucy said sleepy.

As you can tell I kept some things in and add some things in. Anyways I hope you like it, it might be short. Be oh well 🤷🤷🤷

But I hope you like it or not I think someone tagged me

Make sure following them too✌✌

But yeah if like this chapter then yay! Lol

Bye guys😂😂😂



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