chapter 18

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( a/n - Lucy and gray are twins ok, even tho I said it was Luke and Lucy are twins well I'mma change that to gray and Lucy are twins ok)

(third POV)

Lucy look at gray and put on a sad smile." I hope you be ok gray " lucy said. " Gray is such a good man, but I didn't know he such a bad past" Nikki look at gray and plays with his hair. Gray lean into her touch, " well Nikki gray was a bad boy in his teens" zeref said while looking at Lucy who nod yes. " Gray will always come home late and destroy village who didn't listen to the law or him" Lucy explain, " well me, I would always stay with luke or help zeref " Lucy rubs her stomach. " One day gray came home cover in blood, and i still remember what he said to me" Lucy said looking at gray.

Flashbacks and Lucy POV

( Gray and Lucy is 18 and this is before Lucy and jellal became mates or know each other.)

I was walking to the Grand hall, and gray came in with blood over him.

" Oh my gosh what happened to you" I rush to his side. "Lucy I want you to kill me, I have turn into a monster and I want to you kill me please" gray beg me while crying. " No I won't do it your my brother and I can't live without you gray " I said wiping the tears away from his face. Then gray kiss me, I melt into the kiss and wraps my arms around his neck, gray wraps his arms around her waist. " I love you Lucy, don't tell nobody I ever said that to you ok" gray rest his forehead on hers, " I won't and I love you too gray" I smile.

Little did they know that someone was watching them.

( End of the flashback)

( Lucy didn't tell them that her and gray kiss and saying I love u to each other and yes I put some graylu moments and in this chatper)

Lucy wipe her tears away and put on a best smile on. " I love you big brother and always will" Lucy said. Gray was still sleep and laying his head on Nikki lap. " Lucy-nee are you ok" Wendy said with a worried in her voice, " hai I'm fine Wendy- nee" Lucy smile at her.

Zeref (POV)

*Sigh*" Lucy and gray think they can hide there little secret from me, ha they got another thing coming" I thought to myself. "Hey bro I think gray is waking up" Luke said to me, "ok" I said while walk up to my little brother. Gray Goan in pain, " hello little bro" I said. "Hey zeref" gray rubs his eyes, " how's is your head" jellal step in. "It's fine" gray said. Nikki smile, " so gray are you ready to talk now" Mira said. " Yeah" gray look at her, " umm well I'm sorry to everything I did in the past and I want to make up it to the people I hurt, when I was young." Gray rubs his neck. Zeref nod his head yes, "gray can I tell you something"Nikki said. " Yes Nikki" gray smile at her. " I'm pre-pregnant with your child" Nikki looks away, gray was shock and kiss her. " I love you so much Nikki" gray said. " Awwww that's so beautiful" Mira cried.

Jellal (POV)

" Lucy are you ok " I kiss her hand, with a worried face. " I'm fine, I'm just happy that's all jellal" Lucy smile. I kiss her and her stomach to calm down the babies. I felt a kick and Lucy gasp, "are you ok Lulu" I look at her. "I'm okay, that was a hard kick" Lucy breath in and out, lalya appear. " Well that will happen, when you have babies they want to be near there Daddy at times" Lalya giggles. " When I had you and gray y'all was a mess, your father would be my side to make sure I'm ok" Layla Pat gray head. " Mother where is father at " zeref ask her, " oh he had some work to do " Layla look at her first son. "Oh ok" zeref nod his head, Mira and Wendy was talking about random things, and boys. Gray fell to the ground, "urgh.. m- mother..urggrh what's wrong with me " gray cry to Layla. "It's just the side of effect to the spell I cast, to keep your powers staple" Layla explain to him.

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