chapter 2

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(Sorry if you don't like the song I just put a song to listen too anyway I hope you like this book )

Lucy POV
When i got dragged by my mate. I look around to see where was i at then, I seen a big castle jellal open the door to a women who look like "MOM "i yell she turn around and look surprise I ran in her arms and hug her like I never did before "I miss you mom" I cry. "I miss you too Lucy" she cry too. "Now that is out of the away you need to train OK "she smile. "Can she start train Tomorrow dear I think she sleepy" my dad said. "Oh silly me" mom said, "let go to your room then "mom said. "Can she share a room with me" jellal said. "Of course" mom and dad said in unisons "I have bad feeling something going happen" I thought. I see jellal smirk at me. I felt myself been dragged again by jellal please someone help me.

Time skip

When we at jellal's room he open the door for me I walk and pin against to the wall by jellal. "h-hey jellal w-what are y-you d-doing "I said nervous. "Nothing I just want a kiss from my mate "jellal said "wh-" I was cut by jellal kissing me on the lips my eyes was widen open then I gave in to the kiss it was warm and soft. I tap jellal shoulder tell him I almost out of breath he let go a piece of Slavia was connected to our lips we both simile at each other. "Umm jellal I want to sleep please"I said, "sure you can lu" jellal said I change into something to sleep (she look like this)

(Pretend she has blonde hair OK)When I got ready go to sleep I thought I heard jellal say "I love you lu"I simile and went to sleep

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(Pretend she has blonde hair OK)
When I got ready go to sleep I thought I heard jellal say "I love you lu"I simile and went to sleep.

Lucy dream

I was running from lisanna and shadow after they stop running I saw natsu and lissanna kissing each other that made my heart broken into to million of pieces .I woke up scared and crying I was trying to get up but I couldn't look down saw jellal hugging my waist I blush I move his hand went to find a music room to clam me down I saw a piano I sat down and start playing. (I hope you like it )

When i was done singing i felt someone hug me from behind and i knew it was



Jellal hug me I blush but I hug back.

Jellal POV
While i was sleeping I felt something move right there I already know it was my lu crying she try to get out my hand so she silde out of it and walk out I follow her to the music room i hear sing it was so amazing some of the words was sad and hurt after she was done playing i ran up to her and hug her from behind she turn around and hug me back and she fell asleep in my arms. "You is such a handful lu" I said. I kiss her forehead and took her to bed and went to sleep. (Next morning) I took a shower and put on some clothes on. (what he look like)

(Ignored the sword OK )When I look around my room I see that Lucy wasn't here then I turn around see my mate dress up some pretty (here you go)

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(Ignored the sword OK )
When I look around my room I see that Lucy wasn't here then I turn around see my mate dress up some pretty (here you go)

(Ignored the sword OK )When I look around my room I see that Lucy wasn't here then I turn around see my mate dress up some pretty (here you go)

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(Again pretend she has Blonde hair OK)

It fit her so good I just want to pick her up and kiss her all over. "Hi lu" I said blush "hi jellal" lu said "well let's go to your mom to get this over with OK" I said "OK" lucy agreed.we down the hall to see gray,Mira,zeref,and Luke waiting for us. "what took you so long" Luke said in a bored way. "We was coming Luke" lu said "come on you two" gray said glaring at Lucy and Luke fighting. Zeref sigh and pick up Lucy and walk away and gray dragged Luke and walk away they both was knock out by zeref and gray while me and Mira walk behind them. "Let's get this over with" gray said we open the door to queen lalay and king zeref (the real zeref is king and the other one is his son zeref Jr. OK) they look at us with a confused face, "what happen" they ask "they was fighting so me and zeref knock them out" gray said oh they said in unison. Lucy start to wake up zeref put her down and luke start to wake up too Lucy and Luke was glare at gray. They got yell at zeref and gray and still glare at them. "Y-yes s-sir" they said in unison while hugging each other. Gray and zeref sigh and wait for what they suppose to do. Me and Mira was stand there was holding in our laugh but we couldn't holding in anymore so we laugh so hard. "Hey ! What so funny" Luke and Lucy said in unison. "You" me and Mira said in unison. So after we all clam down we starting train.

Lucy POV
Oh I have lot to do in 12 years (12 years in dragon realm equals 1year in earth land) well I better get ready now here I come fairly tail for my revenge just you wait

Time skip
Now that master every magic in the world I look different now

Time skipNow that master every magic in the world I look different now

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(This what she look like)

Well I hope you like this story so far I guess 🤗🤗🤗😋😋

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