chapter 10

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( olivia here, I need to tell y'all I won't be uploaded everyday I have school on Monday I try to uploaded if I can )

Next day with gray(POV)

Today is the first day of the gmgs I thought, I turn my face it landing someone breast, I look up "if this is lucy I'm going kill her" I thought to myself. But nope i was dead wrong it was my girlfriend Nikki, I feel heat come to my face. I got up ready and everything ( this what he wearing)

"Nikki babe time to wake up" I said while kissing her lips, I feel her slowly waking up and kissing me back

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"Nikki babe time to wake up" I said while kissing her lips, I feel her slowly waking up and kissing me back. "Hi gray where are you going " Nikki said while rubbing her eyes in a cute way, "cute" I said in my mind, "we need to get ready for the games today" I said giving her peck on the lips. "Well OK but I need lucy and Mira help too" Nikki said while walking away, "Nikki I love the view back here" I said while looking at her panties, she blush "shut up the fuck gray" Nikki said while walking away, I laugh at her. After of calm down  I went to the kitchen and see luke and jellal dress already ( this what they wearing)

 After of calm down  I went to the kitchen and see luke and jellal dress already ( this what they wearing)

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(Luke has the hat on backward ok))

(Luke has the hat on backward ok))

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"Hi jellal and Luke what are you doing "I ask them, 'oh well I got kick out by lucy' jellal told me, "you" I point to my little brother, "well I want to get up early so LUCY won't pull anything on me again" luke said with a tick mark on his forehead." I HEARD THAT" lucy yell out, "luccccccy can i come in now" Jellal whines, "not yet" lucy said.

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