chapter 8

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Hi guys I forgot show you a what Nikki and sister look so here what they look like

Hi guys I forgot show you a what Nikki and sister look so here what they look like

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Raven on the left and rin on the rightYou can play music if you want to, but anyway let the story begin!!__________________________________________________________

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Raven on the left and rin on the right
You can play music if you want to, but anyway let the story begin!!


"So Nikki what do you too" I ask Nikki, "we can play truth or dare with the other" Nikki suggested. "OK I call them "I told her.
(Luke in bold, lucy,mira in underline and gray and jellal in italics)

Chat room

(Luke invited lucy,mira,gray,jellal in the chart group)

Lucy- what do you want Luke

Luke- Nikki and I want to have a game night before the GMG start.

Mira- sure that seem fun

Jellal- sure I guess, but what time tho

(Nikki join the chat)

Nikki- at 7 plz

Gray- OK I'll be there

Lucy and Mira- same here

Jellal-  I'm down

Luke- see you then.

"Luke you get the snack and drink, While I get the beds ready" Nikki direct, "OK" I said.(15 mins later) I came with lots snacks and beers too, and Nikki got six beds for us ready. "Now we have to wait till 7" I thought.

Time skip

I look on the see if already 7 and it was, "man time fly so fast these days" I thought. I hear a knock on the door, "I get it" Nikki yell out. (Nikki POV) I open the door and see jellal and lucy, I smile at them. "Hi lucy and jellal" I said, "hello" they said back. "Come in come in" I told them, "Nikki do you have in beer or whatever you have" jellal ask me. "You should ask Luke" I told him," thanks Nikki "jellal thank me. "Your welcome" I said while smiling at him, hear another knock. "Mmm that must be gray and Mira" I thought, I open the door and see gray and Mira. "Hi gray and Mira" I said while blushing at gray a little." Hi Nikki "mira said, "come in guys lucy and the others are here too" I directed to them.


"OK guys we are going to play truth or dare" Nikki explain to us. "OK" we all agreed to, "OK who's first" lucy ask. "Me" I said. "Gray truth or dare" I ask while smirking in the inside. "Dare" gray said, "I dare to kiss your crush" I told him. He blushing so hard, he walk up to Nikki and kiss her then sat back down. Nikki was blushing like crazy I starting to fan girl a little but I clam down. "Luke truth or dare" gray ask luke, "dare" Luke said bravely." I dare you to let your crush sit on your lap" gray smirk at luke. "F-fine" Luke said while blushing. "OPEN THE GATE TO MOONLIGHT STAR" Luke cast out, "I'll be right back "luke said. (2mins later) luke came back with Nikki's sister raven, he close the gate and let raven sit on his lap. Raven was surprise at first then her face was red. "Lucy truth or dare "luke said. "Dare" lucy said, "I dare to have seven minutes in the room with jellal now" luke said. "O-ok" lucy Sutter a little, jellal drag lucy to room and close.


"Stupid Luke" I thought, when jellal drag toward the room. I knew there in that moment that he was going have his way with me. After he close the door he pin to the wall and starting to kissing me hungrily and rough. I moan through the kiss, I kiss him back and put my hand in his hair. He went towards my neck and leaving hickeys everywhere my neck. Then he to my sweet spot, I was moaning a little louder than before. "Luke told me these room are sound proof" I thought, "not today jellal you going your way this time" I thought. I was grinding against his pant, he was breathing faster. Then he rip my shirt and bra off. He smirk, "I didn't like that stunt you pull lucy well time  to punish you" jellal said, he kiss me and lick my bottom lip the entrance but i decline him. Jellal growl and he squeeze my boobs hard then I grasp for air jellal shoved his tougue in my mouth. I moan it feel so good but I know we have to stop. Jellal pull back a piece of slivia was connect to our lips. "I love you jellal" I told him," I love you too" jellal said back. "Wait I need to change my shirt" I said. "No you don't" jellal said, "here let me help you" jellal said. He did a spell and shirt was back to normal. We walk out the room and stand back we the game.

Jellal (POV)

"Damn lucy is lucky that I didn't "do it" right there" I thought. I walk to the kitchen to get some beers for me and Lucy I came back and sit next lucy.  "Nikki truth or dare" lucy ask, "dare" Nikki said. "I dare you to have seven minutes in the room with gray "lucy said while smiling at gray and Nikki. "O-ok "Nikki said, Nikki took gray hand and went to the room.

Time skip

Next morning

Jellal (POV)

"Man I have a headache right now" I said. Look over and see lucy sleeping in my shirt with her panties on," how the hell am I in my underwear" I whisper to myself. "Whatever it doesn't matter now" I whisper while hugging from her waist and going back to sleep.
____________________________________________________________ hi guys here is  your chapter it might seem off a little I'm sleeping OK deal with for right now

Anyways byeeee guys😪😪😪🖐🖐🖐🖐

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