chapter 14

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hey guys
Song: Erza theme

Don't play the song yet until I say so k.______________________________________________________________________________________________

author (pov)

"wow what a epic fight today folks" jason said, "indeed it was" zeref (zack)agreed. "Now the next fight is erza and mira" zack(zeref) said, "go mira show them what you got" luke/lucy/jellal/nikki/gray/ wendy cheer out. "Erza show that weakling whose boss is" natsu yells out, erza smirk, "with pleasure" Erza said walking to the battlefield.
"Go Mira Go" Luke and the other cheer out to her. Mira look at them and smiles, then look at Erza with a killer face on, "let's have a good fight" mato said." Alright are you ready" mato ask them. "Ready!!" They yell back," FIGHT!!!" Zack (zeref) yells.

(Play the song plz)

"I'm going to use my old power "Mira said,
"Satan soul" Mira yells out. "Fire empress armor" Erza said.


Some of the guilds can feel there magic going up, they both was standing there. Then in a speed of light they both collide together," I really want to try this sword on you Erza" Mira said smirking at her. Erza didn't care she hit Mira, but Mira grab her sword and crush it. Mira pull out her sword and hit erza back.

 Mira pull out her sword and hit erza back

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( Mira sword)

"You know erza i won ten wars with this sword" Mira told her, "REQUIP" Erza yell. "Lightning empress armor" Erza call, erza throw her Lance at mira. There was lightning around the Lance and strike Mira. Mira got knock down, Mira got up. "WIND SCAR" Mira yells, Mira sword was collect wind and three scar hit Erza and made three scar on the ground. "That spell  she kill 30,000 people with it there is  no way Erza will make it" gray, zeref, Luke,Lucy, Layla, and makrov thought together. Mira transform again.

 Mira transform again

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"Demons Hear My Call commands to give this girl nightmares for eternity, I Rin the daughter of Lucifer to destroy this girl now" Mira flying up, demons rise up from the ground and crawl toward erza and went into her head. "ELENERAS NIGHTMARES" Mira yells out. All the demons went in erza, then  "STOP PLEASE MAKE IT STOP .....IT HURTS IT HURTS" Erza yells in her sleep. Mira untransformed and walk away, "have a nice dream bitch" Mira smirk. Everyone was quiet in the stadium and looking at mira, "Rufus did you get that" Minerva ask him, " yes milady memory make" Rufus said."wow that was a good fight folks" Jason said, "yes it was" Layla agreed too. Natsu and elfman pick up Erza and took her to the Infirmary room. "Never piss off Mira ever again" gray,Luke, and jellal said. "Well I think we can squeeze another fight in" Zack said," why won't we have all the girls comes out with bathing suit on please" Layla speak up. "Well nikki I think it's time for you to go" gray ask her, "yeah" nikki agreed with him. "Wendy go show them what you got ok" Lucy said to her , "ok lucy-nee I will" Wendy said happily. Nikki and Wendy went down with bathing suit on, nikki look at her necklace and took it off,"I'm done hiding my old powers from people" nikki said to herself. Wendy grab her hands and Nikki look at Wendy then smiles at Wendy.

"Ok girls there are 10 flags down that hole who ever comes back with the most wins" Zack explain to them. Gray-sama look at juvia please juvia waving at gray, gray was looking at Nikki the whole time "oooh I'm gonna to tap that ass tonight" gray thought to himself, Lucy and Mira heard him. "Oooo gray gonna do what to Nikki" Lucy and Mira said unison, gray look at them then blush. Nikki heard them and starting to blush too. "Nikki are you ok, your face is all red" Wendy ask her while looking at her, "umm it's n-nothing Wendy my face is always red" Nikki told her "Go" Layla yells out, all the girls ran and jump in the water.

"Wendy I protect you while you go get the flags ok" Nikki tells her, "ok Nikki" Wendy agreed with her. Nikki look to her side and seen juiva coming to her way, juiva try to punch Nikki but Nikki caught it and smiles at her, the round house kick her into to the walls. Nikki swing up to Wendy and see Minerva about to attack Wendy from behind, swing up and punch in the stomach then grab her hair spin her around, then slam her to the ground. "thanks Nikki" Wendy thank her," no problem" nikki said. Youikon (is that how you spell her name again, I'm sorry forgot to spell some of the characters name again, it been so long since I watch that show )

Yukion kick Nikki then punch in the stomach, Nikki was push back then nikki and yukion was punching back and forth "demons Slayer iron fist" Nikki said and punch yukion lights out. "Nikki !! I got all the flags now" Wendy cheer out, "ok" Nikki said. They both swing then hold up 10 falls in the air, "outstanding girls moonlight star has won again folks" Zack said.

"We see you folks tomorrow" Layla announced, "gray the ground is shaking I can feel it Nikki "warn gray, "come on let's go and tell the others" gray command.


What is Nikki feel?

Is Erza ever gonna to wake up anytime soon?

What was Lucy and the others talking about?

Well people I'm ending here peeps and I hope you like it and I'm sorry I didn't post nothing in a while.😓😓

Bye guys ☺️😊

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