{Chapter 5: How Do You Do}

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Song of the chapter is...

You're always loved- golden


Rosslyn's POV

We went to Remington's place and I was met by one of his dogs. "Oh that's Monkey, he's Emerson's dog, well we both own him." Remington said as we walked into the house.

"He's so cute," I bent down and petted him.

*quick POV change, Remington's POV

Rosslyn's POV

"Come meet the family." Remington said leading me to the living room.

We walked into the living room and I saw Emerson at the piano, and Sebastian reading a book. Emerson looked at me and stopped playing the piano. "Hey Rosslyn" Emerson said with a bright smile.

Sebastian looks up from his book, "Oh hey, you're just in time for supper actually." Sebastian said shutting his book.

"Oh, okay" I said looking up at Remington.

Remington wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to his side. Sebastian and Emerson looked at Remington and he just ignored them. I put my head on his shoulder and that even got more weird looks from the others.

I went over to the couch and sat down. Remington sat next to me and put his arm on the back of the couch. I laid into Remington's arm and put my feet on the arms of the couch. Emerson went over to his computer and started to play some music. I took my phone out and scrolled through youtube to see any new videos. Before I could click on one, Remington took my phone away from me. "Remi! What the hell?" I questioned trying to be my phone back.

"I've got a video for you." Remington said scrolling through the homepage.

Remington showed me the video and I rolled my eyes. "Vines, really?" I asked looking up at him.

"I can quote all of these, battle?" Remington questioned.

"Sure'' I have in and we watched them.

"Hurricane Katrina, more like hurricane tortilla," Remington quoted in the same pitch as the kid, "Road word ahead, uh yeah I sure hope it does," another one, "I confusion, this is Kansas, but is this not ar-kanasas? America esplain!"

I rolled my eyes and smiled. Remington handed me my phone back and got up. By him getting up, I fell backwards. Emerson changed the song to You'll always loved, Remington held out his hand and smirked. "May I have this dance, princess?" Remington asked.

I got up and Remington pulled me into his arms, close to his chest. He swayed side to side and placed his head on mine. "Just know you're always loved." Remington sang along with the song.

"Even when you stop loving yourself, I'll always be there." I sang once it got to the part before the bridge.

Remington smiled down at me with a warm smile, "You have a beautiful voice." He whispered.

"No it's don't" I argued looking down to my tiny, bare feet.

"Baby, you don't see what what I see. Anything that is beautiful, people want to break. And you are beautiful, I'm afraid" Remington said quoting another song.

I chuckled and I felt Remington smile a bit.

Remington's POV

Rosslyn sang along with the whole entire song, but very quietly. She didn't want me to hear her beautiful voice. For being Kellin Quinn's sister, she has a better voice than kellin. I want to make a song with her because her voice is so beautiful.

"Guys dinner is ready!" Sebastian said from the kitchen.

Rosslyn and I went into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Sebastian gave us our food and Rosslyn picked at it. She tried to eat but she just wouldn't. "Rosslyn?" I questioned.

"I'm not really hungry." Rosslyn answered, getting up and leaving the kitchen.

I got up, "I'll be back." I told my brothers.

I went out to the living room, "Rosslyn are you okay?" I asked her, sitting next to her.

"I'm just not hungry." She answered looking down at the floor.

I lifted her head with my index finger and looked her in the eyes, "I'll want you to be healthy. I want you to eat." I told her.

"I don't want to be here, so why do I have to? It's my life and I don't want it anymore."

That broke my heart. She needed a life, she was already living a beautiful one.

I pulled her into a tight hug and she cried into my shirt. I softly kissed her head.

*time skip*

I put my feet on the coffee table and sat back in the couch. Rosslyn laid her head on my stomach, and I put my arm around her.

Rosslyn was starting to get tired, so I just let her get some sleep.

Kellin's going to kill me.


Okay this one was kind of cute and sad. I had to put vines in it because I can see Remington quoting vines.

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