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"Do you wanna go on tour with us?"



"What?! Are you serious??" I was jumping up and down in excitement. "No way!!"

"Yeah, we all just graduated, so we wanted to do something special for the fans. Plus they all like you, and I like you, and the guys like you."

"Yes, yes yes! A MILLION TIMES YES!!"

"Great!" He beamed, holding me off of the floor hugging me.

We walked back to our table and I decided to sit with Jack. There weren't any seats, so I just sat on his lap. It was around 10 PM and we were still at the restaurant, and I was soooo tired! I had my head in the crease of Jack's shoulder with my eyes closed. "Babe, you ready?" He asked, trying to look at me.


We left the restaurant and got in the car. As soon as I got in I fell asleep. When Jack came in, he chuckled and kissed my forehead.


We pull up at Jack's house, and Molly is in the living room. I should probably go home. Mom and dad are probably worried... "Where have you two been?!"

"Sullivan's Steakhouse."

"Why didn't you invite me? I haven't been there in YEEEAARRS!"

We all laugh a little. "I should probably be heading home, Jack..."

"Awe... Why?"

"My parents are probably worried..." I had my phone in my hand and he gently took it from me. "Jack? What are you doing?"

"Texting your mom. And sent." The text said: Staying over at Jack's. Love you

Love you too sweetie.

I gave him the look that says "are you serious?" but also says "yay!"

Jack went up to his room to change and Molly and I stayed downstairs. "I cannot believe you guys have graduated high school. You make me feel old." I look at her and laugh.

"I know... Did you hear about Jack?"

"What about him?"

"So he hasn't told you?"

"About what?"


"Y/N!! What is it??"

"I can't say! Jack can tell you for himself."

"Tell you what?" Jack walks down the stairs holding some clothes and he got dressed as well. "Here you go." he says, handing me the clothes in his hand.


"Mhm." He sat down next to Molly and I got up and went to his room. I got my makeup remover out of my purse and wiped off all my makeup then I pulled my hair into a messy bun. I got dressed into some of Jack's joggers and a t-shirt. When I came downstairs, Molly was jumping up and down in excitement. "I'm guessing you told her about the tour?"

He laughed, "Yeah. She's gonna come with us, that okay?"

"Of course!"

"YAY!!!!" Molly yelled, jumping around the room. "Where's Laura?? I have to rub this in her FACE!"

"She's going with us, Moll."




Molly came crashing into our room, screaming "TOUR, TOUR, TOUR, TOU-"

"MOLLY!" She jumped a little after I yelled.

"We're going on tour!"

"What are you talking about?" Then Jack comes into our room, panting, with Y/N walking behind him.

"Wanna go on tour, Laur?"

"With who?"

"Us?" He looks around the room.



"Us?" I look around the room at everyone. Molly was packing her bag and Y/N was clinging to my arm.

"DUH!" Laura yelled. Y/N laughed and walked out of the room into the kitchen.



I walked out of the room and into the kitchen. I was starving. A few minutes later, Jack comes walking into the kitchen as I was sitting at the table eating a bag of chips. "Heyyyy!"

"Hey," I said smiling, still staring at my phone and eating my chips.

"Excited for tour?"

"Yeah!" I exclaimed. "When do we leave?" I continued, taking a bite out of a chip.


"WEDNESDAY?! That's in TWO DAYS!" I exclaimed, getting out of my seat.

"I know! Isn't it exciting?"

"Jack! I need time to pack!" I say running out the door with Jack coming after me.

"Lemme help you!"

"Do what you want, weirdo!" I looked back at him and smiled.

When we arrived at my house, I checked the downstairs closet for some suitcases. I got one and Jack took two and we ran up the stairs.

I decided just to pack all of my clothes because, why not? I'd rather just pack everything than pick out outfits for every day. "Just put everything in here."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. It's easier and plus I don't feel like making an outfit."

We both laughed and Jack said, "Okay, babe."


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