e i g h t e e n

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"Well, has age ever stopped him in the past?!"

"How has it stopped him with me?"

"Because you're one of his best friends!"

"Okay, I can't talk about this... I need to go sit down." 

I go back to the couch to sit down, but there's Jack. And Hayes. I decide to go to my room instead. My best guess is that Hayes saw me and followed me. "Yo!" He calls out into the hallway.

"Hey, Hayes..." I say, a little calmer than before.

"Why were you talking to Nash?"

"Mmm... because he's my boyfriend's best friend and one of my own, and he needed to talk to me." I say with a more sassy tone.

"What's with the attitude?" He asks.

"There's no attitude, Hayes." I sit down on my bed and drink my orange juice I made while in the kitchen with Nash.

"What did you guys talk about? Y'know. You an Nash."

"That's not important." I take a sip of my orange juice.

"He told you didn't he?"

"Told me what?"

"Don't play dumb, Y/N."

"I'm not playing dumb, Hayes..."

"I LIKE YOU, OKAY?!" He shouts, standing up. My eyes widen as I see Jack run into the room and push Hayes onto the bed. I get up as quickly as I can. Jack starts beating Hayes up. I run out of the room to get Nash and JJ. "GUYS! HELP ME!"

"What is it?" They both ask as they run into my room.

"Duuude..." Nash says. "MAKE THEM STOP! I HAVE TO SLEEP IN THAT TONIGHT!!" I yell.

Nash and Johnson run over. Nash gets Jack off of Hayes and Johnson pulls Hayes off of the bed. I run out of the room and get two towels. When I come back, I throw one at Jack and help Hayes clean himself up. Yep. Still mad at Jack. And he just made it worse by beating up one of my best friends.

"Thanks for the help," Hayes blushed as I cleaned off his face. His nose was bleeding and he had bruises all over his face.

"Hayes, what the heck?! You just got into a FIGHT with my boyfriend. A PHYSICAL fight for that matter!"

"Y/N! It's not my fault! I didn't start--"

"But you sure did carry on, didn't you?" I point over to Jack, who's attempting to clean himself off, but is having trouble. I throw the bloody towel at Hayes and walk over to Jack. "I'm sor--" He begins, right before I can kiss him.

"Awe..." I hear Nash and Johnson say, but I still don't let go. I could feel Hayes glaring at me.

"I love you, I'm sorry. Did I say I love you?" I say as I pull away from the kiss.



I still am not sure what Jack did to Y/N to make her so mad.

Hayes likes her. He has for a while. And he just now told her. Just at the wrong time. Jack decided to beat him up for it?! Like, they were even in a FIGHT like wth?!

  "I love you, I'm sorry. Did I say I love you?" Y/N say as she pulls away from the kiss.  

Hayes was glaring at them. Whenever Jack wrapped his arms around her waist, he was out. Hayes stormed out the door.

After a second, me and Johnson ran out after him. "Hayes?" I yelled. He was grabbing his backpack from the kitchen counter. "Hayes!"

"Stop it Nash! You cannot stop me from leaving this hotel."

"Actually I can," I say, dangling my key for the hotel room in front of him. And to my surprise, he took them. "Hayes! Gimme my key!" I ran after him out the door, but he was already half way down the hallway and I knew there was no point chasing him.

"Yo, any way I could stay here tonight? Kinda wanna give him his space." I ask, turning to Johnson.



Hayes actually likes me? I mean, he's a good guy and all, but I'm two years older than him. He's only sixteen and I'm eighteen. He's still in high school. I graduated. He's only allowed on the summer part of the tour that way he can go back to school. I mean I feel kinda bad for getting mad or whatever, but he also carried on a fight with my boyfriend. He didn't even TRY to stop! THAT'S what ticked me off.

I was in the room helping Jack clean off his face when I hear Nash in the living room yelling at Hayes saying things like "Hayes! Gimme my key!" and stuff like that. "You don't like him, do you?" Jack asks, flushing and looking down at his feet.

"Jack! What the heck, no!"

"Okay..." He says.

"You're jealous again."

"Sorry... Why won't you tell anyone what happened?"

"Why are you asking so many questions?" I smile.

"I just wanna know."

"Because I didn't want you to get beat up."

"Fair, but I got beat up anyway."

"But you started it."

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes.



I'm happy Y/N and I have made up and all, but she's acting weird. And I'm kind of scared that she likes Hayes more than me...

"You're sure you don't like Hayes?" I ask suspiciously.

"Jack. I don't like Hayes like that. He's too young for me!" She shouted.

"Okay, okay!" I threw my hands up in surrender.

"Guys, Hayes just walked out the door." Johnson barges into the bedroom.



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