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He ran away giggling for some stupid reason, and I chased after him. He's a dork. When I finally caught up to him, I jumped on his back. Goals? I don't see it.

Jack and I are FAR FROM goals. Lol. I love him to death, but I couldn't see us being relationship goals. But I also couldn't see us dating. Welp, I guess you never know.

When Madison was ready to go, we got in the car. Jack drove, I was in the passenger's seat, and Madison was in the back. After she buckled up, she unlocked her phone and called someone. "Hey, Gray." Who's Gray?

"We're on the way." Madison told the other person on the line.

"K." She said after a moment. And then she hung up.

"Who was that?" I asked, looking back at her through the mirror.

"You'll see." She smirked, causing me to laugh, her along with me.

'Gray's' house was about thirty minutes from the hotel, and when we finally got there, they had a really long driveway. Their house looked sort of like a cabin.

"Grayson!" Madison yelled out the window as we pulled up to the house.

"Madison...!" He shrieked, running towards the car. There was another person standing in the doorway. He looked remarkably like Grayson.

"Be nice. To both of them." Madison whispered to Jack and I as she got out of the car to hug Grayson. This is the guy from the coffee shop. So was the guy in the doorway.

Jack and I got out of the car and I saw the person in the doorway again. He was staring at me. I reached out for Jack's hand and he took it. But when he did, he looked down at our hands with furrowed eyebrows. Obviously confused. But then he looked back and saw the guy staring at me, and then squeezed my hand.

I greeted Grayson and he invited us into the house for something to eat. I wasn't that hungry, but I guess I could eat something.

We hung out with them for about 2 more hours. I learned that the guy in the doorway's name is Ethan. I also learned that Ethan and Grayson are twins, and they made a YouTube channel a couple years back. I looked them up about an hour into a game we called 'get to know you'. They're actually pretty funny, and they're really good youtubers.

I was sitting on Jack's lap holding his hand. He rested his head on my shoulder, I could tell he was getting bored."Well, I guess we should be going..." Madison whisper-yells, pointing to Jack. Grayson, Ethan, Madison, and I all laugh, looking at him. He wakes up as he hears us laugh, but not before I could get a picture of the dork and set it as my background on my phone.

"Well thanks for coming tonight, guys. We had fun."

"Oh, same here! We should totally hang out more often." Madison smiles.

I got off of Jack's lap and pulled him up after me. He was still moping around tiredly. He gets extra clingy when he's tired. So, we were walking around with his head in my neck.

We stayed for a minute or two longer before Jack got upset. "Can we go nooowww....." he whined, "I mean, not trynna be rude, but I'm tired as frick."

Ethan and Grayson laughed. We stayed for a second, debating on taking the twins with us. Of course, we chose yes. Duh. Ethan had a date later on, so we only took Grayson. Madison drove with Grayson in the passengers seat and Jack and I in the back. He had his head in my lap, sleeping. I played with his hair as I was quietly singing along to the music.

Then, Now, Forever. ((j.g)) {COMPLETED} Where stories live. Discover now