f o u r t e e n

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"Jack wait!" 

"Yes, sir?"

"Who all is going on tour with you guys?"

"Johnson, Madison, Hayes, Nash, Cameron, Taylor, Sammy, Nate, and Y/N..."

"Wait, why is Madison going?"

"Her and Johnson are dating now."

"And you're okay with that?"

"Yeah, I don't mind. I mean it's been like a year since we dated, and JJ knows that if he wants to date any of my exes, that I'm okay with that as long as I can get over them first. And I'm over her."

"Right. Why do you want Y/N to go?"

"Because she's my girlfriend slash best friend and I love her."

"Y/N!" I yelled, getting her attention.

She walked in the door. "What?"

"You can go?"

"REALLY!? YAY!!" She screamed, jumping up and down and hugging Jack. "We literally were up all night last night packing. Well I was, Jack fell asleep at 12 AM." She laughed. "Thank you Daaaaad!" She said, hugging me and dragging out the 'a' in 'dad'.

"When do you guys leave?"

"Our plane leaves at 2 AM tonight," Jack justified, scratching the back of his neck.


"Yes, sir..."

"Sorry, dad. But I was just asked yesterday."

"It's okay, sweetie. It's okay. Lets all hang out today? You, Me, Mom, Jack, and maybe even Johnson!"

"Okay! That okay, Jack?"

"Sounds perfect." He looked down at Y/N and smiled. She looked up and smiled back. Jack was about 5'10" and Y/N was only 5'4", so there was a pretty big height difference.

"Great, lets go!"



"Lets all hang out today? You, Me, Mom, Jack, and maybe even Johnson!"

"Okay! That okay, Jack?"

"Sounds perfect." He looked down at me and smiled. I looked up at him and smiled back. There was a huge height difference between us. Like 6 inches.

"Great Let's go!" Dad said, pointing to the door.


Johnson only lives about 30 seconds away from me and Jack, so it was no bother to walk. Dad was planning on taking us on a walk today anyways. Instead of being cooped up in the car the whole time. The only problem was that it is flaming hot out. As soon as we stepped outside I felt like I was going to have a heat stroke. "Dad? Can I go change into some shorts before we leave?"

"Yeah. We all should."

"Okay, I'm gonna go to my house and change real quick. See you in a sec." Jack said quietly. He was honestly so shy around my parents, its so weird.

"K, bye." I walked into the house and ran upstairs and changed into a flannel over a white crop top and some light wash shorts.

Whenever I was dressed, I ran downstairs and out the door to see my parents waiting at the stop sign where me and Jack wait for Johnson

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Whenever I was dressed, I ran downstairs and out the door to see my parents waiting at the stop sign where me and Jack wait for Johnson. I take out my phone and call JJ, walking across the street.

He answered, "Yo."

"Hey, J, wanna go for a walk before tour? My parents invited."


"K. Meet at the stop sign." A few seconds later, Johnson walks out of his house and runs to the stop sign. Then Jack runs out of his house and runs towards us.

"Hey, J." J and G did some sort of handshake/bro hug thing and we were on our way. We walked all the way to the park, which is 30 minutes by car. It took us about an hour since we were on foot. But we had all day to walk around and hang out with everyone.

You know who we ran into at the park? Nash and Hayes.

"GRIERS!" Johnson yelled. Grier is their last name.

They looked over to us. "YO! JOHNSON!" They ran over and bro hugged Johnson and Gilinsky. Then Nash comes over to me and hugs me. "Hey, Y/N."

"Hey, Nash."

"Yo! Hey, Y/N!" Hayes gushed and ran up to hug me.

"Hey, mini Nash." I laughed.

"Yo, what are y'all doing out here?" Nash turned to Jack G.

"On a walk with Y/N's parents before tour."

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N." Nash looked behind him and smiled.

My parents smiled back, "Hey, Nash." Nash and I were childhood friends and just grew a little further apart in high school because he became a popular guy and I wasn't. But we're still pretty good friends. As for me and Hayes, we were pretty inseperable.

"Wanna walk with us?" I ask Hayes, as he's still standing in front of me.


We walked around the park for another 3 hours. "Hey, we should all probably get home and rest. We've got a long night ahead of us." Jack consoled.

"Yeah, lets go. We still have an hour walk home."

**skip walk**

When we got to the stop sign my parents went ahead and went to the house. I hugged Johnson and he left and once everyone had gone, Jack grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him, he looked into my eyes, biting his lip. He then grabbed my face and slowly leaned in and kissed me. I swear, he drives me crazy when he does that. But I have to say, I love it.


~~12 AM~~

I was sleeping on the couch when I heard a knock on the door. Then the door opened and a figure walked through the door. As the figure came to sit next to me, I realized it was Jack. "Morning, sunshine." He said, sitting down.

"Hey, babe." I put my head in his chest and we sat there for a good five minutes.

"You needa get ready, Y/N..."

"I know..." We went up to my room and I got my sweatpants and a hoodie. I put on my old school vans and pulled my hair into a messy bun. My parents woke up at about 12:30 to tell me bye.

"Y/N! YOUR PARENTS ARE UP! SO'S JAMES." Jack yelled from the bottom of the staircase.

I grabbed all three of my suitcases and headed into the hallway. I was going down the stairs when Jack ran up and took two of my bags. "Jack. You don't have to--"

"I want to." He continued down the stairs.

Jack's bags were already in his car, and we were putting mine in when James comes outside. "Sorry, Jack."

"For what?" Jack turned around, looking more confused than ever.

"For y'know, starting a fight with you..." He looked down in shame.

"Oh, its cool man."

"Great! Have fun on your tour."

"Thanks, man." Then James walked into the house.

"Glad you two are friends now." I say sarcastically.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"What do you mean?"


Hey guys! I really hope you are enjoying the story so far, I love y'all! Talk to you soon!!

Bye for now Loves.

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