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You heard for the table that was located at the courtyard. You were supposed to meet Jimin there, instead it was someone else. It was Yugyeom, BamBam's boyfriend. 

He was sitting there, waiting for something or someone. You didn't want to sit with him. He kinda scares you. You didn't know where to go. You looked around to see if this was the right place to meet Jimin. Unfortunately it was.

You decided to sit with Yugyeom but on the other side. Yugyeom looked up and stared at you. He was the most serious face. This made you uncomfortable. Yugyeom finally stop looking at you and turn away.

"What are you doing here?" Yugyeom said with a rude tone. 

What the hell did I do to him? Why is he so rude? God, why did I sat here? Why here Jimin? Where is he?

"I'm waiting for a friend" you said. You wanted to be a nice person, even to a rude person. You didn't want to stoop to their level.

Yugyeom scoffed. "You too, huh?"

You nodded your head. You didn't leave like talking to him. But he was talking to you, which surprised you.

"You are friends with BamBam?"

"Yeah, he's a pretty cool guy."

"Pretty? I agree. Cool? I don't." Yugyeom replied with a smile. You didn't understand why is he talking bout BamBam like this.

"I have one question for you." You said. Yugyeom had a strange look on his face. Yugyeom was puzzled.

"Ok? Ask away."

"How did BamBam ended up with a guy like you?" 

Yugyeom stand up and looked at you. He was mad. You know what you said and you were proud of it.

"What do you mean a guy like me?" He said in an aggressive tone.

"I'm just saying. You are a dick towards him. BamBam is a nice handsome guy and you are rude to him."

Yugyeom was angry of what you said and oddly you liked this. You like him angry. 

Maybe this is why BamBam likes him?

"You think he's so innocent? Boi, I have a story for you."

"Ooo a story!" You said. You rest your head on the palms of your hands like a child. Yugyeom rolled his eyes and continued.

"When I met BamBam for the first time, he was rude."

You gasped sarcastically. It mean Yugyeom laugh.

"No, I'm serious! I was in the library minding my own business and he came in and sat in the same table as me. I didn't care you sat with me."

"Are you sure it was you in the library and not BamBam?" 

"Ya! I can't tell the story if you don't believe me!" Yugyeom said loudly.

You started to laugh. "I'm sorry! I believe you! Continue."

"Ok. I was reading a book then slammed the book to the floor. He pushed the chair and sat on me."

"Oh! You guys were alone, right?" You asked.

"You obviously don't know BamBam well enough. There a bunch of people there watching us. Anyways, he stared into my eyes and started to kiss me. I was freaking out." 

"BamBam did that?! Oh my god! And you didn't stop him at all?"

"Well, kinda. Stop interrupting me! You're just like him!"

"Ah! I'm sorry!"

"Back to the story, I pushed him off, which him land on the floor. He got up and grab my arm and pull me out of the library. He took me to a dark place where nobody invites and started to kiss again. And after that, we started to date."

You clapped your hands as if the movie ended. You both laughed. You actually like Yugyeom now. He was bad like you thought he was. Out of nowhere, Yugyeom asked you a serious question.

"Question, what did you do to get here? You seem a nice, good person."

Ah! What do I do? Should I tell him a killed someone? No. Not yet. Should I ask him first? Yes. Just to hear if him committed a serious like me.

"How about you? You were here first and you are good at telling stories." 

"Fine, I'll go first. I was involved in a fight in a mall."

That's it! A fight?! There has to be more! Please tell there's more!

"That's it, a stupid fight? That's weak Yugyeom."

"WEAK?! I stabbed someone!" Yugyeom said loudly. He didn't care who was listening.

"You stabbed someone! Why? What did that person do to you?"

"I was at a mall with BamBam and this idiot and his stupid friend was there. And thing you know, I was stabbing the guy's friend. I can't remember most of it."

You shocked. He committed a heinous crime. You couldn't believe it. You thought he was lying but he looks so serious and mad.

Oh my god! He killed someone! Wait, I killed someone too! I think I should him my story.

"And you?" He asked as he took a deep breath to calm down.

"I killed someone too."

"Are you making fun of him? If so, it ain't funny!"

"No! I serious! It happened at a college. I killed her because she been rude to me and I have been nice to her!" You said angrily. You started to cry because of the flashback of you smashing her face in the  mirror.

"Don't cry. I believe you. I heard the news. It's scary to take a life away. I can't tell that I will get better but trust me, it won't. You just have to deal with it." Yugyeom told you in a calm voice.

You guys changed the topic to lighten the mood. Everything was going smoothly until he came.

It was Jimin.

A/N: Sorry for the long ass chapter! I barely mentioned Yugyeom in the other chapters so was to make up for it.

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