On the Way Back,

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You were still holding on to Jungkook's arm. You weren't going golem him go until you reach his cell. Shortly you ran into a guard. The pale guard. Yoongi.

"Hello, Yoongi hyung" Jungkook said. It seem to be that Jungkook and Yoongi are friends since he lets him said his first name.

"Hello Jungkook. What are you doing. Where are you two going?" Yoongi asked. You were surprised that he even cares about this.

Wait. Is he thinking that we are..... Hold up man.

"He was bout to get into a fight so I pulled him out. I'm afraid that he planning to break free and fight him." You quickly cleared things up.

Yoongi laughed. "Were you going to fight Jimin again?!"

Again? They done this before?

Jungkook chuckles and scratch the back of his head. "Yeah"

"Man, when are the two of you going to stop fighting?"

"When he apologizes."

"You're such a baby Jungkook. This is the real world. And in the real world, Jimin doesn't apologizes. Shoot, he probably doesn't know what he did. If you are planning to fight him, be careful. Don't hurt Jimin too much or he's going to cry to me and I don't want to deal with that. Okay?"

"Alright Yoongi hyung, I'll go easy on him if we fight."

"Good. Carry on."

"Bye Yoongi hyung."

You and Jungkook were walking to his room. And the way, you two talked some more. You wanted him to forget about what had happened in the library.

"Is life crazy at home?" You asked.

What type of question was that! I'm so stupid.

He laughed. "It's very crazy! My dad keeps breaks things and my mom yells at him on the top of his lung."

You laughed. You found it adorable how his family works. It was better than yours. Your family was broken. Your mom died from a ship accident and your father was abusive when he drinks alcohol.

"And what about your's?" He asked with a smile. You really didn't want to bring to mood down, so you lied.

"It was good too. We go on a family picnic every weekend." You said. Your family used to go on picnic when your mother was alive.  

Later there was a empty silence. The only thing you can hear are the footsteps that you and Jungkook were making. Something broke the silence.

"Do want know something?" Jungkook said out of nowhere. 


"My heart is red."

"Okay? Mine is red too." You smiled. You had no idea what going on so you just smiled to make him feel better.

"What is red, you asked?"

"Uh, I didn't say that." You are completely lost.

"R  Revolution. E  Evolution.  D Drop in the ocean!" He laughed. You laughed too.

"What the hell?" You still laughing.

"My mom tells me that when I'm sad."

So, he knows that I lie to him. 

"Thanks" you said.

"Anytime! You will eventually be with your parents, once we are out of here."

Whew! I thought I was caught in a lie.

A/N: Sorry for not posting lately! 

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