The Return of the Study Group

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It been weeks since the whole Yugyeom incident after and things went back to normal. Well somewhat normal. Mr. Choi has been grouchy lately.  Everytime someone mentions Jinyoung name, he throw a fit. He talks about how he hates him. You don't know what his idea is and you don't care. You been through plenty of drama. He assigned yet again another essay questions homework because " it will be on the test" .

The class was over and you head back to your cell. It was quiet. Bambam has not return. You miss him and his goofy behavior. You started to do the homework Mr. Choi assigned. It was hard. You decided to do a group study with Jimin and Jungkook. You called them up and they decided to do the group study with you at the library.

You headed to the library and sat at the table where Jungkook said they should sit at. The table had Jungkook name on it, so this should be the right table. You sat there waiting for them. You waited 10 minutes for them. Clearly you were pissed until Jungkook arrived. And only Jungkook arrived.

You sighed. You didn't want him here. He is a nice guy but to be alone with him is not good. He is so awkward. He sat down next to you which was weird since he like his personal space. He smiled and started to working on the homework. There was an awkward silence. You decided to speak to him.

"Hey, do you get this?"

"I'm sorry." He said which made no sense.

"Ok? For what tho?"

"For last time. I was a jerk. I shouldn't yelled at you for what you done to get here. That was wrong for me. I was taught better. I'm sorry"

"Aw. It's okay. To be honset, I was a big jerk too. I shouldn't have over-reacted. You had a right to express your feelings..."

"But my feelings were wrong." Jk interrupted.

You smiled at him. You realized he wasn't going to stop apologizing so you let him win.

"Anyways, I think he already gave ua this assignment. I remembered answering this question." He added. You looked and actually read the questions and realized he was right.

"Oh. I didn't realize that." You started to laugh. You two started to laugh. 

You two continues to talk and got to know each other better. You realized that he actually an awesome dude that is shy. You two talked about the random things like lamb skewers and others things. Then he hit you with some crazy fact.

"Wait a minute. You're telling me that, Kim Namjoon, my lawyer, is your father."


"And Kim Seokjin is your mom?!"

"Yup. I don't like calling him dad so I just call him mom. He doesnt mind it."

"Dude, that crazy!"

Jungkook laugh. He thought you was being cute. You guys talked some until Jimin showed up.

"Hey guys! What are we talking about?" He said with a smile.

"Family" Jungkook answered him.

"You are finally telling people who you really are, huh pet." Jimin said as he laughed. Jungkook wasn't happy. Either were you. You gave Jimin the look. The are you serious look.

"Pet ?! You think I'm a pet!"

"Cmon man! Don't take things too far now." JM

"Jimin, that's rude." You told Jimin.

"Ah. I see you are still mad at me. You know, it's just a joke man."

Jungkook looked at him. He had so much anger in his eyes. It kinda scared you. 

If Jungkook can hold this much anger, then what happens if he released that anger.

"What are you doing here, Jimin?" Jungkook said. You could hear the anger his voice when he said that.

"I was invited to a group study Kookie. And I can see that you two aren't studying." JM

"It turns out that the homework we had today was actually the same one as yesterday! Isn't that funny! Boy, did Mr. Choi mess up!" You tried to lighten the mood. It didn't work.

"So how are you and Judge TaeTae doing?" Jimin asked. Clearly he wasn't listening to you.

Jungkook anger dropped to complete sadness. He looked away from the both of you two. "We broke up."

"What happened?" You asked in a sweet voice. You knew that Jimin was going to make fun of his broken heart, so you had to ask before Jimin did.

"It's illegal for a judge and a criminal to date. Especially with the criminal is still in jail or prison." He said in a low voice.

Jimin laughed. You punched him the arm. 

"So what guy are you going for now? Are you going to do a threesome with Yugyeom and BamBam?" He laughed. At this point, you were mad at Jimin for being a complete douche.

"You know I'm bisexual right you dumbass." Jungkook said to Jimin. Jungkook couldn't hold his anger no more. He got and stood in front of Jimin. There was a height difference between the two. Jimin would still fight him.

You quickly got up and stood in between them. You were not going to let history repeat itself. Then a teacher from a far came in. It was Mr. Kim. Kim Seokjin. Jungkook's "mom".

"Hey Stob it Jimin, Stob it!" He said. 

"Get out of the way

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"Get out of the way. Let me teach your son a lesson!" JM

You grabbed Jungkook's arm and ran off. It was hard to do so because he was strong and he keep going back. Finally you two left the library.

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