In the Cell

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You walked back to your cell and listen to hear if they are done. There was silence in the room. You thought they are done so you knocked in the door and waited for BamBam to open the door.

Instead, Yugyeom opened the door. He let you in. You walked into the room and saw that they were both dressed and that BamBam was studying. You looked at Yugyeom. He looked like he just woke up.

"Oh hi! Where were you?" BamBam asked so innocently.

You wanted to yell at him so leaving you alone with Jungkook, but not in front of Yugyeom.

"I was studying with Jungkook and talked to Jimin."

BamBam nodded his head and went back to his work. Yugyeom sat on the floor since BamBam took most of the space on the bed with his books and papers.

You looked at BamBam and wondered if they were really studying. You saw that BamBam and Yugyeom's necks were filled with hickeys. You know that they did the nasty.

"Are you done studying, BamBam?" Yugyeom asked.

"No. Why aren't you studying Yuggie?" BamBam replied.

"Because it's stupid and a waste of time." Yugyeom said in a sassy mood.

You sat on your bed and turned to BamBam.

"Are you close to finishing?" You asked because you were bored.

"Yeah, just a little bit. These essay questions are tough." BB said.

"Then don't do them. It's at simply." YG 

BamBam looked at Yugyeom and hit him on the neck.

" I want to passed you idiot!" BamBam said 

Yugyeom got up and pushed BamBam to the floor.

"Call me an idiot one more time chopsticks legs!" Yugyeom said angrily.

BamBam got up from the floor and pushed Yugyeom out of the away. He sat on his bed and continue his work. 

Yugyeom stared at BamBam. He was clearly mad. BamBam looked up to Yugyeom and pointed at the door.

Yugyeom looked at the door and opened it. He looked at BamBam one more time then left the room. He slammed the door hardly.

BamBam scoffed. Then he laughed. He started to closes his books and looked at you.

"Yugyeom watches too many dramas shows."

"Are you okay?" You asked

"Yeah, this is nothing. He would never ever hurt me." He said with a smile.

"And you let him treat you like this?"

"I find it cute. It shows me that he cares."

"How long?" You asked.

"How long what is? His dick?" BamBam laughed. He obviously knew what you meant.

"No!" You said laughingly 

"We having been dating for a long time. Man, we were so young." BamBam said as he looked at the ceiling.

You thought he was being dramatic like in a drama shows when the characters are having a flashback.

You both started to laugh. You guys started talking about the work Mr. Choi handed then Jungkook.

"Hey, I'm sorry for leaving you alone with Jungkook."

"It's okay. He was kinda weird tho."

"Oh, how so?" BB asked.

You told him the experience you had with him in the library. BamBam was laughing his ass off. You got up and punched his in the arm playfully. 

A few hours of talking and laughing, it was time to go to bed. You hear the door opening. It was a guard. It was Jackson.

"Okay crazies, go to sleep." He said as he was writing  something on the clipboard.

"Whatcha writing big fella?" BamBam said.

"It's attendance. Now go to bed! You guys have class tomorrow. Your teacher will not be there. You will have a substitute." Jackson said

"Who's the sub?" You asked. You hope it's a good substitute. Not the strict, follow-the-rules sub.

"Let me check. Ummmmm, it's...Ah ha, here we are. It's Mr. Kim." 

Mr. Kim? Like the lawyer, Mr. Kim? 

"Kim Namjoon?" You asked. You wondered why the lawyer would be the substitute teacher.

"What?! No! It's Kim Seokjin. Namjoon wouldn't never come here." Jackson replied back to you.

"I wonder why Mr. Wang?" BamBam said in a laughing tone.

"Shut up and go to sleep!" Jackson yelled at BamBam. He turn to the door and left the room.

"What happened to them? Did they dated?" You asked. At this point, you think everyone is dating everyone.

"Ha! He wished. Jackson been hitting on him until Namjoon stop answering his calls and texts. Shoot, I think he block him." BamBam started to laugh. You did too.

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