The Fight

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Jimin walk up to the table and started to speak.

"What are you doing here, Yugyeom? And You! Why are you so early? I thought we agree on meet here when it was 3 and 2 pm?" Jimin said in a mad tone.

Yugyeom stood up. He looked angry. He had a fire in his eyes when he was looking at Jimin.

"And why are you with him?" Jimin added.

"You have a lot questions huh shortie?" Yugyeom said. You had a bad feeling about this.

"And what's wrong with me, huh?" Yugyeom added.

"Everything! You're not nice. You don't respect anyone, not even your boyfriend who is the only one that like you, and you.."

Yugyeom pushed Jimin before he finished his sentence. Jimin landed on the floor. Clearly he was pissed. 

"Don't talk shit about a person that can end your life" Yugyeom threatening Jimin in a low voice.

"Is that supposed scary me, punk" JM

"Do you want to be with your friend or something?" YG 

"Is that a threat or promise bitch?" JM

At that moment, Yugyeom was about to lose it. You got in between them because you don't want to see them fight.

"Guys c'mon! Don't be like this, you are better than this!" You said. You were pushed to the table and they started to fight.

Yugyeom was on top of Jimin and was punching his face. Jimin flip him over and punched him in the guts and face. Yugyeom pushed him off and stood up and kicked Jimin in the stomach. A crowd formed. 

You were just sitting there watching this happen. There was nothing you can do to stop this. Then out of nowhere, you were pulled away. 

Someone grabbed your arm and took you to the cells. It was BamBam. You back at the fight. There was the guards pulling them apart and took them separate rooms. 

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