Chapter 13

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Percy POV

"Would you like to run by that me a gain Chaos?" I asked.

"Zoe has been taken by the Devil." He repeated blankly,

"By the Devil, are you referring to Tartarus, being the entity of the Pit and all?"

"Unfortunately no. I am referring to Lucifer, the ruler of the Christian hell."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, "What do you mean Christian hell?"

"Look I was planning to tell you this at some point, preferably after you escaped Tartarus, but I have no choice now."

"JUST-!" I stopped myself; reigning in my anger, "Just spit it out so we can move on."

Chaos sighed, which still felt weird, "Alright you might want to sit down, this is gonna be a lot."

I sighed in impatience and went to sit on a boulder.

"Okay, so first off, the Greek and Roman pantheons is not the only pantheon out there." he then stopped to see my reaction.

"Go on." I said.

"Basically, just about every mythology you can think of is true. Norse, Egyptian, Native American, even Asian folk religion. And I was the creator for each and every one of them."

I put my head in my hands; it was shocking enough when I found out about the romans, heck it was shocking enough to learn about the Greek gods being real, hearing all of this brought only one question to my mind.

"Why the fuck would you make more than one pantheon?" I asked in bewilderment

"Hey! When an author has more than one good idea, does he just pick one and forget the others?"

I sighed in exasperation, "Whatever, so what does this make you? Do I call you Chaos, God, the Great Spirit, or what?"

"You can keep calling me Chaos, unless we are in the company of a being from another pantheon."

"Alright, now would you like to explain to me why the Satan would want to kidnap Zoe Nightshade?"

"To get to you of course."

"Why? I haven't even tried and I'm already pissing off the deities of other pantheons?"

"Well Lucifer can sense you. First you should know that in the beginning, there were 8 archangels. They were the first children of my God persona; their names were Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, Raguel, Ramiel, Jophiel, and Lucifer. They were the Chief angels of Heaven. I made them to lead the angels when I was asleep. But before I fell into my slumber, I was able to witness as Lucifer corrupted man, and fell from heaven. He became the ruler of Hell, the Christian symbol of evil who punishes the wicked not because they are wicked, but because he can't reach the pure."

He paused for effect, waiting for my response.


I could feel Chaos rolling his eyes before he continued. "The point is, his pantheon is different from the others. I gifted the Primordials of the Greek and Roman pantheons with mastery over my creation, but the archangels are something else entirely, To them I gave small fractions of my own power, the power of the Creator"

I listened intently knowing if I didn't it would bite me in the ass one day. "Just how powerful are they?"

"In terms of raw power, they are each twice as strong as a primordial. But while primordials rely on their domains, the archangels use the power of creation to manipulate their surrounds, that matched with their unnatural physical abilities, as well as their divine weapons, crafted my yours truly, makes them terrifying enemies."

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