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Percy POV

I stood as still as possible as my mother screamed at me. "What the hell were you thinking? Oh wait, you weren't, were you? Do I really have to go with you on every mission and hold your hand?"

I winced at the thought, "I'm sorry Mom."

She sighed. We were currently standing in her kitchen. I had shadow traveled here after checking on Cora, and as expected, she freaked out at the sight of my severed arm. Paul, the lucky bastard, had business to take care of and properly left a bit after I arrived, with a few words of condolence of course. Now however, she seemed to have gotten most of it out of her system. And rushed to embrace me, taking a moment to wonder how to deal with my missing arm.

"Can you just promise me that you won't do something like that again?" She asked

I grimaced, "Have I ever been able to?"

She didn't respond, and instead hugged me tighter. I took a minute to enjoy it, before pulling away. "I uh, I'll be talking to Leo about a replacement arm, but before that, I have to go see Nyx tonight, and tomorrow... something I've been dreading for a while."

She looked confused for a moment before realizing what I meant. Do you want me to come with you?"

I really did, but I shook my head, "No. I'll go alone."

She nodded, "Very well. I'll get Cora's bed ready, and I'll keep an eye out for that Setne character. From what you told me, I really hope he's stupid enough to reveal himself to me."

I smirked, thinking of what she'd do to him, "Yeah... I'll be back soon okay?"

She nodded and I dropped into my shadow, going back to the Kane's mansion. I emerged in the main room, startling a few of the students."

"Dude! You have to teach me how to do that!" Felix said excitedly. He was currently sitting in a chair while his army of penguins lined up in front of him, probably to get sent back to Antarctica I only smiled and walked past him, towards the pool. Ignoring the student's whispers about me.

I walked out to the pool area to find Cora still having fun with the albino crocodile. Reyna, Zoe, and Jackie were sitting on the side watching her, as well as Bast, who looked a bit uncomfortable as she talked to the other girls.

I came in on the tail end of their conversations. All I heard is Bast whispering, "...14? That's a joke, right?"

They all stopped talking when they saw me approaching. Bast stood up and looked at me, "Percy! I.... ah...."

I held a hand up, "Don't worry about it. Stuff happens it's in the past. Keeping an eye on Cora?"

"She hasn't stop playing with the crocodile," Reyna spoke from behind Bast, "I'm wondering if we should be concerned."

I chuckled as I watched her roll around in the water with the animal, practically wrestling with it, "I think she's fine." I then turned to Bast, who was still standing in front of me awkwardly, "Relax. Everything's okay."

She looked at me, then at my arm, then at me in confusion, before shaking her head, "No it's just, Carter and Sadie asked me to bring you to them when you got back. It's about Cora."

I tensed up, which she noticed, "Nothing bad! It's not bad news it's just... well I'd better let them explain it to you."

I nodded and followed her into the mansion. We entered a large library, with weird statues. At one of the tables, Carter, Walt and Sadie were examining something. It wasn't until Bast cleared her throat that they noticed our presence.

Perseus the Conqueror Where stories live. Discover now