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Third Person POV

Leo and Hazel's hearts both stopped as they watched Leo's screwdriver flew through the air. Leo had never been one for archery or even darts for that matter, yet the screwdriver flew straight and true. It pressed the elevator button allowing the doors to open.

A while after Percy and Annabeth had fallen into Tartarus, Nico and Hazel felt something they had never felt before. It was similar to when someone they knew died, only it felt as if it was missing something. The only thing they did know was who it was about: Annabeth.

The siblings had decided to not tell the rest of the demigods, not only because of what it would do to their spirit, but because they just weren't sure what to make of it. For all they knew Annabeth simply had a near death experience. It wouldn't be that far of a stretch considering her track record.

However Hazel's hopes were crushed as she saw a single figure fall out of the doors as they opened. Percy fell face first onto the floor behind Clytius, who didn't even turn around. He just smirked at the two, although the look in his eyes told them that it would be a bad idea to try to go help him.

Suddenly the entire room was filled with a deep voice that one could only assume belonged to the giant.

How unfortunate. Mother was hoping to use this one and his girlfriend, but it looks like she will have to settle for him and you miss Levesque.

The two felt a bit of relief, that meant Percy was alive, however the same might not be said for Leo for long.

Next to Hazel, Leo yelped as black smoke suddenly started to surround his face, causing him to hold his throat as he began to choke. Hazel started panicking as she had absolutely no idea how to help him and the squeaking farting rodent on her shoulder was in no way helping.

All she knew was that she had to help them somehow. So without thinking too much about it, she reached out to the mist and forced it to save them.

Suddenly Leo was a couple yards behind Hazel, unconscious, not choking, and surrounding by the white Mist.

However Percy had stubbornly refused to move. He still lay face down at the doors.

Laughter echoed through the cavern, Worthless. Am I truly to believe that this is the champion of Hecate?

Hazel opened her mouth to say that she didn't fucking know, when she heard a woman's voice behind her say, "Indeed you are, she performed perfectly."

Hazel turned to see Hecate emerging from the mist. However instead of having a look of anger at her opponent, or pride in Hazel, or heck even smugness because she was a goddess, she had a look far more troubling: confusion.

"What do you mean?" Hazel asked, "I failed to move Percy!"

Hecate looked at her and smiled, "No you didn't, had he have been there you would have moved him with ease. However what you tried to move was no more than a manifestation of the Mist."

At this, Clytius' eyes widened. He turned around and grabbed the Percy look alike, only for it to fade in his hands. He clenched his fist in anger. He whirled back around toward the goddess; Damn you and your magic tricks witch! It is no matter! I will simply take the forge spawn instead!

Hecate shook her head, "Once again your innate idiocy amazes me Clytius, you have felt my magic firsthand, and you should know that it was not me who planted the fake."

At this point the only one in the room who was not confused was Leo, because he was too busy sawing logs.

"But," Hazel asked Hecate, "if I didn't do it, and you didn't do it, then who did it?"

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