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Percy POV

"Lets find the rest of them." I said, ready to get out of the underground. I might have the domain of darkness, but I still missed the sun.

However the two demigods who hadn't been in hell for nearly a century and a half were a bit surprised. They stood there gawking, unsure of what to say.

Hecate however seemed to get over herself right away. But instead of saying "Hi" or "glad to see you're not dead" like a polite goddess, she shot a stream of green magical energy directly at Jackie, who was standing next to me.

Time seemed to slow down and not in the Kronos way. As the energy traveled toward the humanoid hellhound, I jumped directly in front of her, letting the energy collide with my chest.

My body flew backwards, knocking Jackie to the ground and continuing on without her. I didn't stop until I slammed into the Doors so hard that they started to fly back as well, effectively breaking their chains. Before I reached the wall of the cavern however, they disappeared to appear somewhere else in the world, leaving me to slam into the wall, leaving only a small crater to show that I was there.

All of this left me with a deafening headache, but I was otherwise unharmed. None of this registered to me however, as I was to full of rage.

I quickly sprouted my wings and shot myself like a bullet with one powerful flap. As I passed Hecate, I grabbed her by the neck and brought her with me as we slammed into the opposite wall.

"You have 30 seconds to explain yourself before I tear you in half and feed you to your empousai." I growled in her ear with my hand still around her throat."

I could feel the goddess exerting her godly strength to escape my grip, but to know avail. To me it felt as if eyes widened, "H-How is this possible? No demigod should have survived an attack like that!"

I closed my hand a little tighter around her throat, "Clocks ticking! ANSWER!"

She seemed to finally realize she didn't have a choice, "I sensed the venom of my empousai in her, giving her human form. I could not allow such an abomination to exist!"

I felt a feral growl emanate from my throat, causing the goddess to look at me with even more fear. "What are you? The only thing that could survive my killing curse would be a—"

"Giant? Then I guess it's a good thing I am one now huh? Now you are going to leave this place and if you are lucky: never let me see your face again. Agreed?" she nodded so hard I though her head would fall off. I let her neck go and she flashed away.

I took a deep breath to calm down, then remembered Jackie. I turned around and ran to where she had been knocked over.

"Jackie! Are you ok?" She sitting up and rubbing her head

She looked up at me and nodded, "I'm find conq shell. I'm not the one who took a blast from a fucking goddess! How are you feeling?"

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, "I have a bit of a headache but I'll live. Sorry I knocked you over."

She rolled her eyes at me. "Not everything is your fault you know. And I think you should take a moment to talk to your friends over there." She said gesturing to Leo and Hazel

I nodded and got up. I walked over to the two demigods who were still trying to figure out what was going on. They stared up at my enormous stature as I stood in front of them. Finally, Leo closed his mouth, gulped, and said:

"You're taller than I remembered."

I couldn't help it anymore, I broke down laughing as I scooped them both up in each arm and clutched them to my chest tightly, happy to see my friends again. I soon had to let them go however judging by the choking sounds coming from them.

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