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Reyna POV

As I looked at all the reactions to what Zoe just said, I couldn't help but think about how glad I was to see that Zoe also understood the gravity of the situation, I guess being a Hunter for a few millennia gives you experience; even though a century could cause you to forget.

However, I was mostly glad because it meant I didn't have to do the explaining. I wasn't shy, but I felt like if I had to do so I might throw up.

It was all too much too fast. I was still reeling from almost losing Scipio to get to the Seven, only to find one of them dead, another returning from hell with friends and unfathomable power, and that I was no longer needed to return the Statue (Not to mention the matter of the different pantheons) So of course, my brain forced me into offering my help to Percy on his insane assault on Gaea.

At first I had convinced myself that I was doing it because I owed it to him for saving Scipio, but I soon realized that it would have been completely appropriate to just go with the other demigods and thank him in some other way. In fact I remember getting ready to do just, but it all went to shit as soon as looked at him. Before I realized what was happening I was joining his quest. And much to my surprise he let me, and even gave me more of a fighting chance.

But the worst of it all was seeing him.

But I suppose it turned out to be a good thing in the end, what with me being the only one who thought to bring a silver weapon. One of the is a Hunter of Artemis for crying out loud! How does that happen!?

Nevertheless, I knew there was no getting out of it now. Not only would it be cowardly, but I would have to tell Percy myself, and I doubt I handle the look he would give me with those eyes.

Gods, his eyes. They were the complete opposite of mine. While I kept mine cold, calculating, devoid of all emotional weakness. He seemed to leave his eyes completely open and full of emotion. Yet for him instead of showing weakness, it instead showed strength, as he was always so full of passion. The intensity of his emotion seemed to radiate from him, overwhelming any who find themselves in range. It was inspiring.

And terrifying.

Those eyes were one of the few things that didn't change since the last time I saw him. Although I would be lying to myself if I denied that he was quite handsome before, there was no escaping the fact that he was now gorgeous. He was taller, his face seemed to have evolved into a more perfect version of its old self, and he was mind bogglingly toned, like he was carved out of stone, and still managed to keep his slim body. In other words, he was every Roman's wet dream. The only thing that broke the spell were his eyes that didn't care to hide how he feels, and his hair that refused to be tamed.

I suddenly realized that I had gotten distracted. I mentally smacked myself, a usually I did a good job of remaining focused. I had no idea what the others were talking about. I better tune in.

"... far as we know, "Zoe was explaining, "There is only one cure for Lycanthropy. Percy has to kill his creator."

"Well then there's no problem," Zoe said, "Surely there is no way a simple monster can stand against Percy at this point."

I scoffed, "In a fair fight that might be true, but Lycaon is no simple monster."

Zoe nodded next to me, "She's right. As much as it pains me, Lycaon is completely different from other monsters. The most notable difference being that he has never been killed."

"Really? Never?" Damasen asked. I quickly remembered that he was held in Tartarus for most of his life, so he probably wouldn't have heard about it. "Surely he must have fallen at some point. I thought all monsters did." He looked at Zoe who nodded her agreement.

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