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Percy POV

I continued to stare up at the pantheon before me, while half of them stared back in shock, and half of them glared at me in hatred.

The silence was soon broken by mom as she brought her hands together, "Alright well I have a husband who is probably wondering why I disappeared with his unborn child and also why he just became an immortal deity, so I'll be on my way."

Zeus cleared his throat, "Yes well while we do not wish to be on bad terms with the new Earth mother, we also would not like to be alienated from you, given our experience with Gaea. So while I understand you have immediate engagements, will you agree to return at some point in order to discuss our future relationship."

Everyone looked back at mom, no doubt expecting her to be flustered or uncertain, instead she was looking Zeus in the eye when she responded with, "Of course, and try not to worry, I intend to work with you, not against you. I will return tomorrow to talk.

Zeus nodded, trying and failing to hide his relief, "I'm glad to see you don't share the same unreasonableness as your son and former lover."

Mom narrowed her eyes, "Before I go I should mention that anyone who tries to smite or otherwise harm Percy will have to deal with my motherly and primordial wrath. Good day."

And with that she flashed out. I guess she was getting the hang of her powers fairly quickly.

The room was silent for a moment before it was broken by Hera saying, "That is one boss ass bitch." Then she realized she was talking out loud and went golden with embarrassment, causing many of the gods to snicker at her.

"So uh... I guess that's it right?" I said, "We'll just get out of your hair for now..."

"Just one moment Perseus." Zeus said. I could tell he was restraining himself. Instead of blistering fury, I only heard mild annoyance.

I sighed and waited for him to speak/

"It appears that we were...well...wrong about you this time."

I snorted, "Just this time?"

He growled, "Don't push it."

I held my hands up in surrender. There would be more time to torment him later.

"Anyways," he continued, "Despite your blatant disrespect for us recently, I find that it would be appropriate to reward you for defeating Gaea. Does anyone disagree?"

Surprisingly no one raised their hand.

Zeus nodded, "Alright then. Normally for such a feat, we would award you with godhood, but it seems that that would be fairly mute at this point. Therefore we will do something similar to the last time you saved the world, only this time we will award you with six wishes instead of one we will give you three. I swear on the river Sty—Jackson to ensure that these wishes are fulfilled."

I stared at him for a moment. Zeus was being surprisingly nice, or at least nice for him. I had a feeling that he was buttering me up for some reason, but I decided three wishes from the gods were good enough to put aside my foreboding thoughts and enjoy the moment.

"Thank you very much Lord Zeus." I tried my best to not use sarcasm when I said "lord". I figured now was not the time for more disrespect. Although I still didn't bow to him, "But what about the other five quest members?"

Zeus nodded, "They will also receive awards, along with partial immortality."

"Why not godhood?" I asked, "I feel like they've earned it."

Zeus shrugged, "They didn't really get a chance to display the type of heroism you have due to the fact that you did everything yourself. But with partial immortality they might still have a chance."

Perseus the Conqueror Where stories live. Discover now