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Percy POV

The next morning I found myself struggling to wake up. I was still in my hellhound form. Curled up in a tight ball. I tried opening my eyes but they felt like they each weighed a ton. I don't think I have slept this deeply since I fell into Tartarus.

Suddenly I felt an amazing sensation between my ears. I still didn't open my eyes, but I felt my tongue fall out of my mouth in contentment.

The feeling continued. It was like someone was giving me the best massage in the world on the top of my head. I couldn't even think straight anymore.

That's when I felt the same feeling on my stomach as well. It was amazing, without even thinking, I felt my body turning over on its side so whatever was rubbing my belly could have better access.

As the feeling continued, I felt my back leg start to spasm uncontrollably.

I finally opened my eyes to see Jackie in her human form rubbing my enormous belly. She noticed me looking at me and flashed me a mischievous smile.

As I came back to my senses I realized there was a weight on top of my head that I was willing to bet was Zoë.

"This is quite the wake up, thank you." I said as the petting finally stopped.

Jackie stepped away from my belly, allowing me to roll onto my stomach. I watched Jackie walk over to my front. I rested my chin on the ground, allowing her to rest her arms on the tip of my nose like a table. As she leaned forward I felt her breasts rest on my nose. I know it sounds like a weird thing to get excited about, but it turns out that it felt amazing as a hellhound.

"Well we woke up about an hour ago with Bianca and Damasen, we let you rest for a while before we woke you up." Her eyes suddenly changed from friendly to something... more affectionate. She started tracing circles on my nose as she said "We were actually planning on rubbing something else..." as she said this she stared to lean forward towards my eyes, pressing more and more of her breasts onto my nose before she said something that nearly broke my heart: "...but"

Suddenly Zoë's head popped down from the top of my head to look into my enormous eyes. She had a mischievous smirk on her as she continued from Jackie with, "You were in your hellhound form so it wouldn't have worked."

I felt an involuntary whimper escape me, causing them both to giggle.

Desperate to regain the missed opportunity I gave my best puppy dog eyes and asked, "How about you get off my head, I get out of this form and we try it again?"

The both seemed to think about it for a moment, before they both came to the same conclusion.

"Nope!" they both said with a giggle. After which Jackie hopped away from my nose and I felt Zoë launch herself off the top of my head, did a somersault in the air, and ended it by landing standing up on Jackie's hands above her head. She then hoped down and gave a bow.

I would have clapped at the stunt if I weren't so put out at the moment.

I changed back into my human form, thankfully still wearing my new shadow outfit and gave them a pouty face, "Do you girls have any idea how cruel that was?"

They seemed to have a flicker of regret on their face as they looked at each other, but the looks were then replaced by the same look of affection. They both sauntered up to me, putting me on red alert.

They both got really close to me, Jackie on my right and Zoë on my left, I felt their hands running across my chest and back, but suddenly one of each of their hands were dangerously close to my groin, stroking my thighs.

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