Chapter 16

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It's been days since I was locked in this gods forsaken room. I've tried every means of escape, to no avail. But that wasn't the worst part.

I have been constantly bombarded by horrible hallucinations. I cried for three hours after the first time I saw Percy die that is until he entered the room again. I had gained hope that this one would help me escape, only to watch him die even more horribly. Every time they get more gruesome, more gut wrenching, and more painful to watch.

I tried convincing myself that they were visions to ease the pain, but each time the new Percy comes up with some complex story about how he got here, and he manages to convince me that it is the real Percy. That is when he dies.

And every time he does, I can feel myself sinking deeper and deeper into despair. I was currently curled up in a ball on the bed, staring at the door, waiting for the next vision to start.

I had no idea who put me in this Hellhole or why, but whoever they are had to be both powerful and extremely sadistic. I doubted it was Gaea or Kronos or anyone like that. I don't think they think I am that important, and they would probably be right. So this threat had to be something entirely different.

All of the sudden, the room began shaking, as if there was a miniature earthquake. It only lasted a minute, and then it stopped. What followed however was a lot of yelling and screeching. It sounded like someone was being massacred.

What happened jet however, was not like my usual visions, instead I saw Jackie shadow travel into the room in her human form, looking around for something. As soon as she spotted me however, she rushed to my side and said, "There you are! I've been looking all over for you! Are you alright?"

I slowly turned my head to look at her. "Go away, I won't fall for this just because you're trying something more elaborate, doesn't mean I am an idiot!"

The so-called-Jackie looked confused. "What do you mean? And what happened? You look like you've been crying." She sat down on the bed next to me, causing me to scoot away in distrust.

"Don't act dumb, I know what you are, you are just going to try to convince me you're real, then Percy will probably get here, and then not only will my first love die in front of me again, along with my friend."

Jackie was about to say something, but then stopped and widened her eyes, "Did you just say you love Percy?"

"Oh don't even try that, you already know, else you wouldn't kill him in front of me over and over again." As I spoke I found myself breaking down crying, not caring about the Jackie hallucination staring at me in shock.

As I sobbed I felt Jackie put her hand on my shoulder, I looked to her expecting her to try to comfort me and tell me it is ok and all that other bullshit, but instead I saw a face of guilt and uncertainty.

"I realize this might be a bad time to talk about this, but it might be one of our only chances to talk without Percy hearing us." She seemed uncertain about something.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, genuinely confused at this point.

She opened her mouth to speak, then closed it, then opened it, then closed it again. She sighed in exasperation, "I killed like thirty demons getting in here and I can't even have a simple conversation? Screw that. Let me just get this straight. You like Percy?"


"In a romantic fashion?"


She sighed, "Well you see that's the problem: So do I. "

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