Chapter 15

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Jackie POV

"I am very much regretting this Percy!" I yelled as I hung on for dear life.

I was in my human form, riding on the back of Percy in his hellhound form. We were currently a couple hundred feet up in the air, surrounded by the blood red clouds, which upon close inspections turned out to be actual blood. It turns out that his new demon wings added to his hellhound form complimented his Manticore tail quite well. Overall he was turning out incredibly badass.

That, however, was in the very back of my head at the moment as we shot through the air at breakneck speeds. He wasn't as fast as a jet or anything like that, but he was definitely faster than any regular bird. I clung on to his fur as he went into a nosedive and pulled up into a loop at the last second, ending with me rigid with trauma. He laughed out loud, obviously enjoying his new powers.

"Not to ruin your fun Percy, but could you perhaps not perform such risky maneuvers while you have a passenger?" I had to yell so he could hear me.

He turned his head so he could see me out of the corner of his eye, "Don't worry Jackie, I won't let you fall, but if it's freaking you out I can stop." He then straightened his line and flew much smoother, making the experience much more pleasant.

"Thank you," I sighed in relief.

We had gone in a circle for a while so that Percy had time to get the hang of flying, now we were heading to the facility that Zoe was being held in.

We approached the wall and finally saw what was over it. It resembled a medieval castle, only it was made of red stone and human remains. I was beginning to sense a theme here.

Upon closer inspection, the place was swarming with Kasai. They appeared to be guarding the prison, although they didn't seem to be very vigilant about it. They sort of wandered about, socializing with each other. I couldn't blame them though. Who would be attacking them?

Percy looked back at me, "So how do you want to do this? Stealth or force?"

I thought about it, and then said, "How about I go stealth and you go force."

He grinned, "Sounds like a plan, but to get started, we're going to have to do something crazy stupid. Are you ready?"

"Depends." I said warily, unsure of what he had in mind.

"Just be ready to shadow travel, and try not to scream."

"Why would I scr—ahhhhhh!" I started screaming as he turned to his human form, allowing me to plummet down.

Now I had put up with a lot of Percy's stupid ideas over the years. One time he thought it would be fun for us to take large disc shaped slabs of rock and go sledding down the canyon walls back at the lair. It ended in a rockslide, just as I suspected, but I went along with it anyway, because he was my king. But this was too much.

As I fell I began to scream, "You complete and total IDIOT! Why don't you ever think before you act? What could possibly be going through that gigantic kelp filled head of yours?!"

That was when I saw him diving with me, using his wings to push him downward faster than me. Once he was falling a couple yards ahead of me, he drew 'Conqueror' and put it in its hellhound form. I realized what his plan was, and how clever it was, I locked eyes with him and saw him with pouty puppy dog eyes, which made him look ridiculous. I almost felt bad except for the fact of how right I was.

As we were falling through the air, he held out 'Conqueror' and drew a circle directly below me. I transformed into my hellhound form and prepared to shadow travel. When the circle was completed, I shot into the shade and went into the familiar dark realm.

Perseus the Conqueror Where stories live. Discover now