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Percy POV

Still in Flashback

I stared at her in shock, "You're pregnant?"

Mom nodded, looking a little red, "It's Paul's, I only found out a couple weeks ago."

She looked at me tentatively, waiting for my response. I could only think of one thing to say, "That's great!"

Mom looked a bit shocked, "You're not upset?"

I looked at her in disbelief "Why would I be? I am going to have a new sibling! I couldn't be happier!"

At this moms looked like she was about to cry. But before I could say anything we were interrupted by the sound of an impatient immortal clearing her throat.

The one called Ananke was glaring at us, "If you don't mind, could you get on with your little "moment" and tell us who our new council member will be?"

I narrowed my eyes. "I'm sorry who are you?"

Her glare intensified, "Is that a joke? I am Ananke."

I looked at her blankly, "Is that supposed to mean something?"

While the goddess stared at me with an open mouth, I heard snickers around the room, apparently this was funny to them.

I then felt my mom's hand on my shoulder, "Percy show some respect! I think that that is Ananke, as in the primordial of Destiny"

I turned to her, "Really?"

"Yes, well I am glad to see someone in your family has a brain." Ananke said grumpily.

Sally shrugged, "I figured If my son was a demigod it would be a good idea to

"So wait, "I said, "Are you like the Fates?"

Ananke scoffed, "Like them? I'm their mother."

I stared at her. She quickly noticed this "What?"

"Percy, this is not the time, "Chaos said from her throne, although she didn't sound like she was going to do much to stop it.

"I know, I know, "I assured her, "I'm just wondering if she knows what her daughters have been doing to me."

Chaos opened her mouth, but she before she could speak, Ananke yelled, "Doing to you? What about what you're doing to them!?"

I stared at her in disbelief, "Excuse me? What the hell are you talking about?" I exclaimed, "They have been fucking with me my entire life!"

I suddenly felt a hard smack to the back in the head that sent me face first into the ground.

I felt ringing in my ears and my head was spinning as I tried to comprehend what happened. Whatever hit me hit like a truck, only it was all concentrated on the back of my head. And it hurt like hell.

Then I felt my mother's hands on my shoulders picking me up and pulling my head into her lap.

"Oh, God Percy I am so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you so hard! Are you ok?"

I head laughing In the background, "Don't worry Sally he'll be just fine. He's been through worse."

"Oh please don't remind me of that. Although now I suppose I'm going to have to face it head on."

My head finally stopped spinning enough for me to look at mom. I realized that she had a completely different feeling to her now. Instead of her usual beautiful blue eyes, she now only had a small ring of blue around her pupil, while the rest was a mix of dirt brown and leaf green. She also seemed to radiate power around her, and not the motherly time she usually radiates.

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