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As I knelt on the ground, exhausted, and in pain, I couldn't help but smile as I held onto the three beautiful girls around me. We had done it. Gaea was defeated. All was well.

Then I disappeared.

It certainly wasn't a pleasant experience for me. It felt as if I were being violently ripped away from my reality, as if every cell of my body were being picked up and moved somewhere one at a time, all in the blink of an eye. It was kind of like when the gods transported you, only a thousand times weirder. It didn't hurt that much, it just felt extremely weird.

When the feeling finally stopped, my eyes were closed. I knew I was now kneeling on a very hard surface. The temperature seemed almost tailored to be comfortable. With great reluctance, I opened my eyes to see what kind of trouble I was in now.

My first thought was the Olympian throne room, but I quickly threw that thought out the window. It was similar in that there were thrones and it was a big room, but that was where the similarities ended. I was in a room three times the size of a football stadium with a room about three hundred feet high. The room itself was cube shaped with no conceivable exit or entrance. The walls were all pitch black, and the only sources of light in the room were floating orbs around the ceiling that resembled stars.

Each of the thrones were around thirty feet high and formed a circle in the room, as opposed to the U shape the Olympian thrones made. And instead of each being unique and personalized, they looked the same: black with cushions on the seat and backrest.

As I looked around I quickly noticed a presence directly behind me. I felt for Conqueror, but was alarmed to find it missing.

"Sorry about that, but mother said to leave the sword, just in case. I'm sure you understand."

I cautiously turned to identify the source of the strange sounding voice. It had the mannerisms of an elderly man, but the smoothness of a young one. I turned to see one of the strangest beings I've ever seen.

For one thing he was wearing skinny jeans, and he was REALLY not pulling them off. His legs looked bony and string bean-ish which did not seem to fit his buff, muscular upper torso, which was covered with a medieval tunic. What really took the cake however was his child-like face adorned with bushy white eyebrows and a flowing white beard, which didn't match his brown dreadlocks and hippie glasses.

Also he was around sixty feet tall.

I quickly jumped to my feet and got into a defensive stance. Whatever this guy was, he had transported me against my will, and that didn't bode well to me.

At the sight of my reaction however, the beings' eyes widened in surprise, then guilt, "Oh dear, I'm sorry my boy! I had forgotten that my form could be a little... alarming. Allow me to change into something more appropriate.

His form then shifted and changed until he was now completely old. He wore a plain grey robe and had white hair and facial hair. His face was also wrinkled and old to match the rest of him. Just then a staff topped with a weird clock like device on top appeared in his hands, and a name popped into my head.

"Father time?" I asked tentatively

He gave me a beaming smile, or at least I assumed he was smiling under his beard, "Indeed! That is a name I go by from time to time. But you can call me Chronos!"

At the sound of my old enemy's name, my instincts took over and turned into my Hellhound form, ready for a fight.

The old man backed up with his hands raised, "Now, now, I understand your confusion but you are thinking of Kronos with K, I am Chronos with a C, the Primordial of time. That little brat is a massive disappointment."

Perseus the Conqueror Where stories live. Discover now