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Thalia POV

I stared at Percy in shock. I had just brought the entire hunt down the mountain to check on Zoe and Artemis, preparing for the worst. The giant scorpion was one thing, but the appearance of the enormous dragon was just too much. Granted it appeared to defeat the scorpion, but that could have just been instinctual. And somehow it managed to disappear out of thin air, or it had some form of cloaking ability. Either way it could still be a threat. However all thoughts of the dragon nearly dissipated when I found Percy holding an unconscious Artemis, as well as sporting an enormous erection.

Knowing Percy, I was inclined to believe that his intent was not malicious, but I was having a hard time imagining what harmless events could have created this scenario.

I took a deep breath, as I felt all my hunters begin to draw their bows. I held a hand up for them to hold their fire, then said, "Percy, my old friend. I really hope for your own sake that you have an amazing explanation for why on top of our unconscious mistress, and the giant scorpion that was defeated by the giant dragon that could still be around, and the fact that Zoe is nowhere to be seen, that I find you holding our unconscious mistress with a freaking BONER!"

He opened his mouth to speak but quickly stopped himself, as if he realized what he was going to say wouldn't go well.

"Ok first of all," he finally began, "You don't have to worry about the giant dragon, that was me."

I blinked, "That was you?"

He nodded, "Yeah."

"Oh please!" Vera yelled. "How could he have been that dragon! He is obviously telling lies to get out of trouble, like any male would! Look at him! he was about to take advantage of our mistress after her hard earned victory against Orion!"

He looked at Vera angrily, "I was not! I was just about to take her to Apollo and Damasen for healing."

Vera wouldn't have it however, "Lies! You were taking our mistress to fulfill your male desires! We should kill you where you stand!"

I could tell the other girls were getting worked up as well, so I held my hand up and summoned a lightning bolt to get their attention. They all looked at me startled, as I said, "We will hear his full explanation without interruptions. Proceed Percy, and make it good."

He nodded in gratitude, "Ok then. The reason for my...uh.. situation down there, is not your mistress, it was just a prank my girlfriend pulled."

I raised an eyebrow, "So this was Annabeth's doing?"

His entire being seemed to slump then as he looked at me with a look I knew all too well.

"I'm sorry," he said, "I thought someone told you..."

I kept a straight face as I asked, "How?"

He stepped forward. "Thalia—"

Thunder cracked over head as I drew my bow and aimed at him, "TELL ME HOW!"

He nodded sadly, "She didn't survive the fall into Tartarus. I'm sorry."

I could feel a storm of emotions inside me, but I forced it down as I realized something, "Then who the hell is your girlfriend?"

He winced, "Zoe."

I took deep breaths, trying to keep calm, but overhead thunderclouds were brewing.

Finally I opened my eyes, "Kill him girls!"

Percy POV

Usually I cherished whenever Zoe uses her sense of humor, it doesn't happen often. But I think I am going to have to have a talk about what constitutes as a good prank.

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